MicroStrategy ONE

Transform Infrastructure Package

The transform-related classes are located in the com.microstrategy.web.transform package.

The objects in this package do not contain many specific different kinds of transforms. The collection of specific and distinct transforms that ship with MicroStrategy Web are located in the com.microstrategy.web.transform package.

The com.microstrategy.web.transform package includes the following objects:

  • StyleCatalogFactory / StyleCatalog

  • Transforms / Transform

  • FormalParameters / FormalParameter

  • TransformDefns / TransformDefn

  • BeanDefns / BeanDefn

  • Styles / Style

  • ActualParameters / ActualParameter

These are the core objects for defining what transforms are and how they are to be implemented. Which objects you use depends on what it is you are trying to accomplish with your customization. When creating a custom transform, use only the Transform, FormalParameters and FormalParameter objects:

  • The Transform interface contains the properties and methods common to all transform class implementations.  

  • A fundamental property of all transforms is the ability to define formal parameters whose actual values can be set by the style designer. This is what the FormalParameters collection and FormalParameter are used for.

All other objects in the transform infrastructure package are related to supporting the use and application of transforms, once those transforms already exist. For example, the Style Catalog Configuration file and Style Editor use these objects for creating and implementing style definitions that are based on transforms.