MicroStrategy ONE


The FolderBean interface represents an interface that is realized in a Web Bean object. The FolderBean interface is inherited from ObjectBean.

The FolderBean specializes the ObjectBean interface by adding the following methods:

  • Specifying a system-defined folder— This includes standard folders such as the Reports Folder, My Reports, and so on. Methods are get/set SysFolder.  

  • Retrieving the WebFolder interface— The transform code can operate directly on the DOM node or use the WebFolder interface to traverse through the list of child nodes in a folder.  

  • Specifying a restriction on the type of objects returned in the folder— The getTypeRestrictions method returns a simple list collection interface that allows the caller to specify a set of object types.  

  • The getFolderObject() method initiates requests to Intelligence Server. This triggers an object browse request on the folder and returns an object that can be used to traverse the list of child elements.  If an object browse request has already been performed, then this method merely returns the initialized folder object.  

  • The getSearchObject()method returns the WebSearch object. This method has an orthogonal intersection with an objectID, objectName or objectType. A FolderBean can be obtained by using a search object, objectID, objectName or an objectType.