MicroStrategy ONE


The logger.properties file is the properties file used for setting up the logging infrastructure. This file specifies the logging level for the logger. By default, it logs all SEVERE errors to a text file in WEB-INF/log.  It is created in WEB-INF/xml when MicroStrategy Web starts up for the first time.

The content of the default logger.properties file is shown below:

#Wed Feb 16 15:49:55 EST 2005



fileH.pattern=C\:/Program Files/MicroStrategy/Web ASPx/WEB-INF/log/MSTRLog%systemdate%.log




A handler with an alias fileH is defined. The class parameter defines the handler as a DatedFileHandler. The pattern parameter determines the name of the text file for logging the messages. The formatter parameter indicates that the log messages are displayed as a simple string message in an XML format using XMLFormatterEx. The level parameter assigns a logging level of ALL. The logging level for the root logger is SEVERE. This means that all messages with logging level above ALL are sent to the root logger, but the root logger captures only the SEVERE messages and logs them.

Creating a custom logger.properties file

When you customize logging, the recommended practice is to make a copy of the default logger.properties file and save it in your custom folder as _custom/xml/logger.properties. Make all of your changes to this custom file. To tell MicroStrategy Web to use this custom file instead of the default logger.properties file, do the following:

  1. Log into the MicroStrategy Web Administrator Page.  

  2. On the WEB SERVER panel on the left side of the page, choose  Diagnostics -> Configuration.  

  3. On the Diagnostics Configuration panel on the right side of the page:

    • Select the Custom diagnostic setup radio button.  

    • In the Path to custom diagnostics setup file field, enter the absolute path to the custom logger.properties file, using / as the directory delimiter in the path.  

  4. Click the Save button and the logging preferences will automatically be reset.

Prior to making your custom copy of the logger.properties file, make sure that you have already set and saved all desired logging preferences while the Internal diagnostic setup radio button is selected. In this way, when you make a custom copy of the logger.properties file, it will already contain all of the preferences that you can set on this panel.

See also