MicroStrategy ONE

Executing a Report and Retrieving the Results

The code sample shown below illustrates how to execute a report and retrieve the results.

Code sample

// obtain the WebObjectsFactory object by calling the getInstance static method

   WebObjectsFactory woFact = WebObjectsFactory.getInstance();


// instantiate the WebIServerSession object and use it to obtain a session for the given project

   WebIServerSession webSS = woFact.getIServerSession();



   webSS.setProjectName("MicroStrategy Tutorial");



// Create the WebReportSource, object which is the entry point to the report execution and manipulation functionality

   WebReportSource reptSrc = woFact.getReportSource();


// Specify a particular report ID and use it to create a new WebReportInstance object

   String reportID = "A20C8AC711D60AE310008BB3D1CEE6A4"; // report dssID

   WebReportInstance rptInst = reptSrc.getNewInstance(reportID);


// Set the mode to be synchronous



// Cause the API to poll Intelligence Server to obtain the results and return them to the user as a string

   String xmlResult = rptInst.getResultsAsXML();

This code is used by the code in the topic, Pivoting an Attribute of an Executed Report and Retrieving the Results.