MicroStrategy ONE

Deploying Multiple Instances of MicroStrategy Web on the Same Machine

This topic explains how to deploy multiple instance of MicroStrategy Web on the same machine (.NET environment only). Running multiple instances of MicroStrategy Web in a J2EE environment is easily accomplished by renaming the application WAR file (MicroStrategy.war) and deploying each one separately.

The following examples describe typical solutions provided by having multiple instances of MicroStrategy Web running on the same machine:

  • You can separate your development environment from your production environment so all modifications can be tried and tested in the development environment without interrupting the work on the production environment.  

  • You can deploy separate instances of MicroStrategy Web to different sets of users and customize each deployment based on the users accessing that deployment.


  • MicroStrategy Web 8.x or higher installed  

  • Microsoft© Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0 running in worker process isolation mode.

This procedure sets up a second deployment of MicroStrategy Web such that each deployment runs its own process (w3wp.exe). This is accomplished by making sure that the new deployment uses its own application pool, and configuring the new virtual directory to use this application pool. You can set up multiple deployments of MicroStrategy Web on the same machine by following the steps provided below, for each deployment.

The figure below shows a new application pool (MyWebPool) and a new virtual directory (myWeb) that is configured to use the new application pool (MyWebPool). For instructions on adding a new application pool or creating a new virtual directory, refer to the documentation provided by Microsoft© Internet Information Services (IIS) 6.0.

Steps for creating a new deployment of MicroStrategy Web are provided below:

  1. Copy the MicroStrategy Web root folder (Web ASPx, located by default in C:\Program Files\MicroStrategy) and all of its contents to another directory on the same machine. For this example, the new application root folder is called myWebASPx.

    File permissions may change when the application is copied into the new folder. It may be necessary to restore the original permissions for security reasons or to ensure that certain pages can be accessed from the new virtual directory. See the installation log (install.log) for a record of the permissions changes made by the installation while copying the files.  

  2. Launch the IIS Manager. 

  3. Add a new application pool using the original MicroStrategy Web’s deployment pool (MicroStrategyWebPool by default) as a template. For this example, the new application pool is called MyWebPool

  4. Create a new virtual directory and use the physical location of the MicroStrategy Web folder copy (myWebASPx) as the Web content directory. In this example, the new virtual directory is called MyWeb

  5. Compare the properties of the new virtual directory (myWeb) with the virtual directory of the original MicroStrategy Web application (MicroStrategy) and change the properties of the new virtual directory (myWeb) so they are identical to those of the original MicroStrategy Web application (MicroStrategy).

    Properties such as Execute Permissions, Default Content page, and Authentication and Access Control for Directory Security must be updated to match the virtual directory of the original MicroStrategy Web application (MicroStrategy). See the installation log (install.log) for a record of the permissions changes made when creating the new virtual directory. 

  6. Configure the new virtual directory MyWeb to use the new application pool MyWebPool

  7. Open logger.properties, located in WEB-INF\xml of the copied application root folder named myWebASPx, and update all physical log file paths to point to the physical location of the copied application root folder (myWebASPx).

    For example, if the path is C\:/Program Files/MicroStrategy/Web ASPx/WEB-INF/log/MSTRLog%systemdate%.log, the path should be updated to D\:/NewMicroStrategy/myWebASPx/WEB-INF/log/MSTRLog%systemdate%.log.

    If logging has been customized using the Diagnostics Configuration window from the Web Administrator page, ensure that all physical paths are updated to point to the new application root folder.

  8. Open web.config located in the new application root folder (myWebASPx). Navigate to the <system.diagnostics> node and locate the <add> child node that adds the FileListener listener. Update the physical log file path in the initializeData property to point to the new application root folder (myWebASPx), as shown below:

    <trace autoflush="true" indentsize="0">
    <add name="FileListener" type="System.Diagnostics.TextWriterTraceListener" initializeData="D:\NewMicroStrategy\myWebASPx\WEB-INF\Log\ASPxLog.txt" />

    Ensure that all physical paths in this file point to the new application root folder (myWebASPx).

  9. Restart IIS. 

  10. Launch the new instance of MicroStrategy Web by entering the following URL: http://web-server/myWeb/asp/Main.aspx. You can access the Web Administrator page by entering the following URL: http://web-server/myWeb/asp/Admin.aspx

Your original MicroStrategy Web instance also works.