Version 2021

Download a local copy of Web SDK documentation

The MicroStrategy SDK documentation available on the MicroStrategy Community SDK page always contains the latest Web SDK content. The recommended practice is to use this content, but in situations where there may not be a connection to the Internet, a zipped copy of the content can be downloaded to a local machine.

To ensure the links in the documentation to work correctly, use the following steps to set up the content on a local machine.

  1. Create the directory structure producthhelp/[version] to hold the MSDL and associated SDK files. For example, for 2021 content, create the directory structure producthelp/2021.
  2. Download and extract its contents to the directory you just created. It has the following structure:
  3. For convenience, create a shortcut to the file that opens the index.htm file. ..\producthelp\2021\index.htm. The opening page contains a link to all of the SDKs, including the Web SDK.