Interface WebDrillMap

  • public interface WebDrillMap
    This interface holds a collection of WebDrillPath objects. The drill paths thus stored can be enumerated, traversed and searched using this interface. The collection held by an object of this interface is read only. In other words, one cannot add a drill path to this collection.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Method Detail

      • get

        WebDrillPath get​(int index)
        Returns the WebDrillPath object at a desired index.
        index - index for retrieving the WebDrillPath object.
        The WebDrillPath object at the given index.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index passed is negative or greater than the size of the collection.
      • isEmpty

        boolean isEmpty()
        Returns true if there are no WebDrillPath objects in the collection.
        whether this object has an empty collection of WebDrillPath objects.
      • size

        int size()
        Returns the size of the collection of WebDrillPath objects.
        The size of the collection.
      • itemByID

        WebDrillPath itemByID​(int drillPathID)
                       throws WebObjectsException
        Returns a drill path with the ID passed as argument within the collection of WebDrillPath objects stored by this object.
        drillPathID - The ID of the drill path searched.
        The WebDrillPath object with the drillPathID.
        WebObjectsException - if the drillPath ID is not found in the collection.
      • elements

        java.util.Enumeration elements()
        Returns an enumeration for the collection of WebDrillPath objects stored in this drill map.
        Enumeration of the WebDrillPath objects.
      • getDrillPathsWithHighImportance

        WebDrillMap getDrillPathsWithHighImportance()
        Returns the WebDrillMap with Highest Importance.
        the WebDrillMap withe the Highest Importance.
      • filterBySetName

        WebDrillMap filterBySetName​(java.lang.String setName)
        Returns a drill map for with only those drill paths from the current drill map that belong to a given set.
        setName - the name of the Set for which the drill paths are to be retrieved
        the WebDrillMap for this instance with drill paths belonging to the Set passed as argument.
      • getUniqueDrillPaths

        WebDrillMap getUniqueDrillPaths()
        Returns a drill map containing unique drill paths from this drill map. Drill paths are compared by name. If there are two (or more) drill paths with different importance levels in the current drill map, only the one with highest importance level is included in the returned drill map.
        the WebDrillMap containing unique drill paths from this drill map.
      • getSetNames

        java.lang.String[] getSetNames()
        Returns an ordered array of set names contained in this drill map.
        the ordered array of set names contained in this drill map.
      • sort

        void sort​(java.util.Comparator comparator)
        Sorts the drill paths in this drill map. Caller must pass in a comparator object to be able to sort. The object passed to the compare methods of Comparator can be type casted to WebDrillPath.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getAxis

        int getAxis()
        Gets the axis of the drill map. If the drill map does not have a valid axis, it returns a 0.
        a axis value for this drill map.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getPosition

        int getPosition()
        Gets the position of the drill map. If the drill map does not have a valid position, it returns a 0.
        a position value for this drill map.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • hasDrillPaths

        boolean hasDrillPaths()
        Returns a boolean true if the current drillMap could have atleast one drillpath for the current axis and position. It may be possible that the method returns true and still the current WebDrillMap object does not have any drillpaths (isEmpty returns true). However, If the method returns false, then the current WebDrillMap object should not have any drillPaths. Scenario: When one asks for high and medium importance drillpaths and for a template unit only low drillpaths exist, this method will return true, even though isEmpty returns true. This method should not be used to check the existence of any drillpaths in the current drillMap. Use #isEmpty method.
        a boolean representing whether there are drillpaths possible for this drillmap
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0