Class SubsetViewLimitElementDialogTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • SubsetViewLimitElementDialogTransform

        public SubsetViewLimitElementDialogTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • initializeTransform

        public void initializeTransform​(Transformable data)
        Description copied from class: AbstractFilterElementTransform
        Overrides the initializeTransform method with type-specific initialization data. This MUST be overridden by any classes which extend this transform if they do not transform on a FilterElement object, because this initializeTransform method assumes that the Transformable passed to it is of type FilterElement.
        Specified by:
        initializeTransform in interface AppTransform
        initializeTransform in class AbstractFilterElementTransform
        data - The object that is being transformed.
      • initExpressionBeanTransform

        protected void initExpressionBeanTransform​(FilterElementBean _filterElem)
        Description copied from class: FilterElementTransform
        The initTransform method will take a FilterElement and will initialize itself based on that FilterElement. This method must be called by any derived classes' initializeTransform method.
        initExpressionBeanTransform in class FilterElementTransform
        _filterElem - The FilterElement object to initialize the transform with.
      • initEditor

        protected void initEditor​(Editor editor)
        Initializes the editor with the global settings.
        editor - the Editor to modify.
      • renderEditor

        public void renderEditor​(MarkupOutput out)
        Main method to render the output of an editor
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to create the HTML output
      • renderOperator

        protected void renderOperator​(MarkupOutput out,
                                      WebOperatorNode opNode,
                                      WebNode leftNode,
                                      WebNode rightNode,
                                      int level,
                                      boolean isReportLimit)
        Description copied from class: ExpressionGenericTransform
        This method renders the given operator node. It will render the HTML common to all operator nodes being rendered, then delegate to either renderOperatorEditMode or renderOperatorViewMode based upon whether the operator is being edited.
        renderOperator in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        out - The MarkupOutput object to render the output to.
        opNode - The operator node being rendered.
        leftNode - The left child of the operator node.
        rightNode - The right child of the operator node.
        level - The depth within the expression tree of the operator node.
      • renderSubExpressionViewMode

        protected void renderSubExpressionViewMode​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                   WebExpression expr,
                                                   WebNode node,
                                                   int level,
                                                   boolean isReportLimit)
        Description copied from class: ExpressionGenericTransform
        This is the generic method that renders a non-branch subexpression in view mode. It renders GUI elements such as the delete button and shift buttons, plus the expression itself.
        renderSubExpressionViewMode in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        out - The MarkupOutput object to render the output to.
        expr - The expression being rendered.
        node - The currently rendered node.
        level - The level of the node within the expression.
        isReportLimit - Whether the expression is from the report limit. If this is true, then the expression passed in will not be the expression set on the ExpressionBean.