Class AbstractFilterElementTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractFilterElementTransform

        public AbstractFilterElementTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • initializeTransform

        public void initializeTransform​(Transformable data)
        Overrides the initializeTransform method with type-specific initialization data. This MUST be overridden by any classes which extend this transform if they do not transform on a FilterElement object, because this initializeTransform method assumes that the Transformable passed to it is of type FilterElement.
        Specified by:
        initializeTransform in interface AppTransform
        initializeTransform in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        data - The object that is being transformed.
      • isEditable

        public boolean isEditable()
        This method is to return whether the expression should be considered to be editable or not. If this is true, then the transform may render the expression with editing capabilities. If this is false, then the transform should render the expression in a view-only mode.
        isEditable in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        True if the expression should be editable, false otherwise.
      • getBeanName

        protected java.lang.String getBeanName()
        Overrides getBeanName on the superclass with the FilterElement's bean name.
        getBeanName in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        The expression bean's name.
      • getBeanStateLevel

        protected int getBeanStateLevel()
        Overrides the superclass' getBeanStateLevel. It uses the context of the FilterElement to determine the level of state which must be saved for the bean.
        getBeanStateLevel in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        The bean state level required for the ExpressionBean.
      • showCloseButton

        protected boolean showCloseButton()
        This method overrides the showCloseButton method on the superclass, and decides, based upon application context, whether it is correct to show the close button.
        showCloseButton in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        Whether to show a close button.
      • isReportFilter

        public boolean isReportFilter()
        Returns whether the report filter is being rendered.
        True if the report filter is being rendered, false otherwise.
      • isUpdateManagerEnabled

        public boolean isUpdateManagerEnabled()
        If this method returns true, then the transform will send all multiple events through the update manager. If this is false, then the transform will generate its own multiple events.
        isUpdateManagerEnabled in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        True if the update manager is enabled, false otherwise.
      • renderContent

        public void renderContent​(MarkupOutput out)
        This method overrides the renderContent method on the superclass, and ensures rendering of report limits in addition to (or in the case of MDX reports, instead of) the filter.
        renderContent in class ExpressionGenericTransform
        out - The MarkupOutput object to render the output to.
      • renderPostAggregationLimitSummary

        public void renderPostAggregationLimitSummary​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders Report Limit summary section below Filter Expression.
        out - The MarkupOutput object to render the output to.
      • isDesignMode

        protected abstract boolean isDesignMode()
      • initExpressionBeanTransform

        protected abstract void initExpressionBeanTransform​(FilterElementBean _filterElem)
      • existsMultipleNonemptyFilters

        public abstract boolean existsMultipleNonemptyFilters()
        This method returns whether there exist multiple nonempty filters. If so, the default layout behavior is to render some space between the two filters. This will happen when either both a report limit and filter are being rendered, or when two limits are being rendered, for an MDX report.
        True if there exist multiple nonempty filters, false otherwise.