Class ReportGridExcelCellColTitleImpl

    • Constructor Detail

      • ReportGridExcelCellColTitleImpl

        public ReportGridExcelCellColTitleImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • reset

        public void reset()
        Description copied from interface: ReportGridDisplayCell
        Reset all of the instance variables. This method is very important when improve the memory performance: we create only one instance for a particular cell type and reuse it instead of creating a new instance for each concrete grid cell. Therefore, it saves a lot of memory. For implementation of this method, please follow the workflow of how all the instance variables are initialized in the class hierarchy when a new instance is created: superclass instance variables are initialized first, subclass instance variables are initialized second. Note: for the purpose of cell reuse.
        Specified by:
        reset in interface ReportGridDisplayCell
        reset in class ReportGridCellColTitleImpl