Interface ReportGridCellTitle

    • Method Detail

      • init

        void init​(TransformContext context,
                  WebTitle title)
        This method is called to initialize the cell in view mode. It receives a WebTitle instance as the underlying SDK object
        context - TransformContext instance initialized with the grid's transform information.
        title - WebTitle instance corresponding to the cell to be displayed.
      • init

        void init​(WebComponent wc,
                  WebTemplateUnit unit,
                  java.util.HashMap cachedObjects)
        please use the interface that takes a TransformContext object instance as parameter
        This method is called to initialize the cell in design mode. It receives a WebTemplateUnit as the underlying SDK object.
        wc - The bean being transformed.
        unit - The WebTemplateUnit corresponding to this cell.
        cachedObjects - A HashMap populated by the transform and used to store information shared across multiple cells.
      • init

        void init​(WebComponent wc,
                  WebTitle title,
                  java.util.HashMap cachedObjects)
        please use the interface that takes a TransformContext object instance as parameter
        This method is called to initialize the cell in view mode. It receives a WebTitle as the underlying SDK object.
        wc - The bean being transformed.
        title - The WebTitle corresponding to this cell.
        cachedObjects - A HashMap populated by the transform and used to store information shared across multiple cells.
      • getSubTitle

        WebSubTitle getSubTitle()
        Returns the underlying SDK object associated with this cell. If the report is in execute mode and attribute forms are displayed, returns the corresponding WebSubTitle; when in design mode, this method should return null.
        It should always return null if the instance represents an empty cell.
        The underlying SDK object.
      • setSubTitle

        void setSubTitle​(WebSubTitle subtitle)
        Registers the underlying SDK object associated with this cell. If the report is in execute mode and attribute forms are displayed, the Transform will call this method to associate a WebSubTitle with the cell.
        subtitle - The corresponding WebSubTitle to associate with the cell.
      • getSubtitleIndex

        int getSubtitleIndex()
        If attribute forms are displayed, returns the position of the WebSubTitle within the subtitles collection.
        The WebSubTitle position
      • setSubTitleIndex

        void setSubTitleIndex​(int subtitleIndex)
        Registers the position of the underlying WebSubTitle within the subtitles collection.
        subtitleIndex - the position of the corresponding WebSubTitle
      • getWebTemplateUnit

        WebTemplateUnit getWebTemplateUnit()
        Obtain the WebTemplateUnit instance associated with this class
        WebTemplateUnit instance from where the information to be rendered by this class will be retrieved.
      • getWebTitle

        WebTitle getWebTitle()
        Obtain the WebTitle instance associated with this class
        WebTitle instance from where the information to be rendered by this class will be retrieved.
      • canAddShortcutMetric

        boolean canAddShortcutMetric​(int shortcutMetricType)
        Returns whether specified shortcut metric could be created based on current cell.
        shortcutMetricType - The metric type in (@link EnumShortcutMetricTypes}.
      • getAddShortcutMetricEvent

        WebEvent getAddShortcutMetricEvent​(int shortcutMetricType)
        Returns the WebEvent to add shortcut metric based on current cell.
        shortcutMetricType - The metric type in (@link EnumShortcutMetricTypes}.