AbstractAppTask |
AbstractDataServiceTask |
This is the base class for the Data Service tasks.
AbstractDynamicRecipientListsTask |
AbstractGetGraphPropertiesTask |
AbstractGetMapConfigurationTask |
AbstractMobileSubscriptionTask |
AbstractMobileSubscriptionTask.SimpleSubscriptionTransform |
AbstractParseMetricTask |
This is the parent class for tasks that generate a token stream for a metric.
AbstractSaveTask |
Abstract base class for tasks that save an object to metadata
AddObjectTagTask |
This Task can be used to add or remove object tags from a report/document.
AddVisualizationTask |
This provides the ability to add a visualization to MicroStrategy Web by
adding a style to the Style Catalog and an entry to the visualizations XML.
AndroidRWExecutionTask |
AndroidSetDocSelectorElementsTask |
AppGetProjectsTask |
AppLoginTask |
ApplyRWClientManipulation |
AppTaskFactory |
This class is a specialized TaskFactory that has
the ability to initialize the MicroStrategy Web environment.
AppTaskRequestContext |
The class provides more application context for a Task which extends
AbstractAppTask .
AttributeFormTask |
AuthenticationHelper |
BaseFolderTask |
BaseUserEntityBeanTask |
BeanManipulationTask |
BeanTask |
This class implements the Task interface using a WebBean
to handle data collection.
BeanTaskFactory |
This class is the factory for creating Task instances
from "bean task configuration files".
BeanTaskInfo |
This class contains information about the bean task: its name, its file,
its fully qualified base class.
BeanTaskRequestContext |
This class extends the BaseTaskRequestContext object by adding
more fields that are relevant to a "bean task".
BlockLoaderTask |
This class provides some basic functionality for loading Blocks and
in the case of the JavaScript UI Library ("JUIL"), the ability to serialize
a set of client-side layout files to JavaScript.
BrowseAttributeFormsTask |
BrowseMDXTask |
BrowseTaskHelper |
CachesUpdateTimeTask |
CancelSubscriptionsTask |
ChangePasswordTask |
CreateFolderTask |
CreateGroupTask |
This is the task for metadata searching.
CreateIdentityTokenTask |
This task creates an identity token to be used across MicroStrategy applications.
CreateMobileConfigurationTask |
CreateUserTask |
DataWranglerServerTask |
DeleteDynamicRecipientListTask |
DeleteMobileConfigurationTask |
DeleteObjectTask |
DesktopImportSaveDashboardTask |
DIAutoMappingEMMASourceTable |
DICancelRefineStage |
DIChangeMappingEMMASourceTable |
DIChangePartitionTask |
DIClearDataCacheTask |
DIClearRelationshipEMMASourceTable |
DICreateEmmaIRRReportInstanceTask |
DICreateEmmaIRRSourceTablesTask |
DICreateEMMAReportInstance |
DICreateEMMASourceTable |
DIDataPreparationTask |
DIDeleteEmmaIRRSourceTableTask |
DIDetectRelationshipEMMASourceTable |
DIEditEmmaIRRSourceTableTask |
DIEditRelationshipEMMASourceTable |
DIGetCloudElementToken |
DIGetCubeSecurityFilterTask |
DIGetEmmaIRRAttributesTask |
DIGetFolderContentFromRemote |
DIGetFolderIDFromRemote |
DIGetObjectFolder |
DIGetProjectsFromRemote |
DIGetScheduleStatus |
DIGetSubscriptionInfo |
DIImportFromCube |
DIKillJobTask |
DIManageHadoopGateway |
DIPersistCubeConfigInfo |
DIRemoveEMMASourceTable |
DISaveDistributionInfo |
DISaveEMMASchedule |
DISendToInboxTask |
DISetCubeSecurityFilterTask |
DISetDataImportInfo |
DISetEmmaIRRFilterTask |
DISetURLWhiteListTask |
DIStartOrCancelAggFilterChangeTask |
DIStartRefineStage |
DIToggleDatasetServeMode |
DIValidateEmmaIRRAlternateSourceTask |
DIValidateEmmaSourceTask |
DuplicateMobileConfigurationTask |
DuplicateReportInstanceTask |
EditObjectTagTask |
This Task can be used to add or remove object tags from a report/document.
ElementsBrowseTask |
ESRIConfigHelper |
ExportDocumentTask |
Task for executing a Document that is capable of fetching binary contents.
ExportReportTask |
Task for executing a report that is capable of fetching binary contents.
FilteredBeanTaskFactory |
FolderBrowseTask |
This class implements a Folder Browsing Task.
GetAllMapCoordinatesTask |
GetBundleDescriptorsTask |
GetBundlesTask |
GetCubeAttributeGroupInfoTask |
This class implements the GetCubeAttributeGroupInfo task.
GetCustomDescriptorsTask |
This is the task for retrieving custom descriptors for certain locale.
GetD3WidgetFilesListTask |
GetDBMSTask |
GetDescriptorsTask |
This is the task for retrieving descriptors for certain locale.
GetDIExternalInfoTask |
GetDimensionTask |
GetDIProjectSettingsTask |
GetDossierTOCAndPromptsTask |
GetDRLRelatedSubscriptionsTask |
GetDynamicRecipientListsTask |
GetDynamicRecipientListTask |
GetElementFromGraphTask |
GetESRIConfigurationTask |
GetESRIExtraConfigurationTask |
This class provides the ability to get extra properties for esri map.
GetESRIKMLConfigurationTask |
GetGoogleConfigurationTask |
GetGoogleExtraConfigurationTask |
This class provides the ability to get extra properties for google map.
GetGridFormatTask |
This task provides the ability to get formatting information about a grid in a report
GetGUIDsTask |
GetIVEWidgetsTask |
This provides the ability to get a list of widgets which are available for IVE from widgets.xml.
GetJDBCConnStrTask |
Created by xu on 4/19/18.
GetLibraryWebListTask |
GetLocaleInfoTask |
GetMapBoxPolygonIDTask |
GetMapConfigurationTask |
GetMapCoordinates |
GetMapExtraConfigurationTask |
This class is used to get extra map configurations which resides on web server.
GetMapShapesTask |
GetMetricDefinitionTask |
GetMobileConfigurationBlockTask |
GetMobileConfigurationIndexTask |
GetMobileConfigurationTask |
GetMobileConfigurationVersionTask |
GetMultiMapConfigurationTask |
GetNeeFeatureFlagsTask |
GetNewMobileConfigurationTask |
GetObjectDetailsTask |
GetObjectSubscriptionsTask |
GetPluginsVisListTask |
GetPluginVisListTask |
GetProjectAttributeInfo |
GetRecentSaveAsFoldersTask |
GetReportGraphPropertiesTask |
GetRWDocumentViewsTask |
GetRWEmbeddedImageTask |
GetRWGraphImageTask |
This Task retrieves the binary image data for a graph node in a Report Writing document.
GetRWGraphPropertiesTask |
GetRWGridFormatTask |
This task provides the ability to get formatting information about a specific grid in a document
GetRWGridViewFilterTask |
GetRWTransactions |
GetRWTransactionsHelper |
Moved from GetRWTransactions.java
DE53013: Sometimes we already have the information needed, then we don't need to send a command to get them from I-Server again.
GetRWTransactionSourcesTask |
GetRWTransactionTargetDataset |
GetSearchSuggestionsTask |
GetServerJSONResultsTask |
GetServerPropertiesTask |
GetSessionStateTask |
A simple Task that logs a user into
an Intelligence Server.
GetShapeGeoDataTask |
GetShortcutsList |
This provides the ability to get a list of shortcuts available on the page.
GetSubscriptionAssociatedInformationTask |
GetSystemFunctionsTask |
GetSystemPickerJsonTask |
This web service task can be used to obtain a JSON representation of the system pickers
GetThresholdsTask |
GetTransactionReportDefinition |
GetUserDICubeInfoTask |
GetVersionInfo |
This provides the ability to get the web version.
GetVisualizationGalleryTask |
GetWebServiceCatalogTask |
GetWebServiceURLTask |
GridLinkedDrillTask |
ImportAsyncSaveRWDTask |
ImportImageTask |
ImportSaveRWDTask |
IPhoneGetReportResultsTask |
IPhoneGetRWResultsTask |
IPhonePreLoadRWResultsTask |
IPhoneReportResultsTask |
IPhoneRWResultsTask |
This class implements a Report Writer Document Execution Task.
KeepSessionAliveTask |
This Task checks the status an Intelligence Server
LoadDocLayoutTask |
LoginFirstTask |
MapBoxBoundaryCache |
MetadataSearchTask |
This is the task for metadata searching.
MobileAppLoginTask |
MobileChunkedGraphResultsTask |
MobileChunkedGridResultsTask |
MobileChunkedRWResultsTask |
MobileDeleteSubscriptionTask |
MobileDuplicateMessageTask |
MobileGraphXMLTask |
Task for executing a report.
MobileGridResultsTask |
MobileHTMLGridResultsTask |
MobileLoadSubscriptionTask |
MobileRWResultsTask |
MobileSubscriptionTask |
MobileUpdateSubscriptionTask |
MobileValidateMetricValueTask |
ModifyChildrenTask |
ModifyPrivilegesTask |
ModifySecurityFilterTask |
ModifySecurityRolesTask |
ModifyUserTask |
MojoGetCustomSortTask |
MojoGetDocumentManifestTask |
MojoGetNDETask |
MojoGetReportWorkingSetTask |
MojoRWEventsTask |
MojoRWManipulationTask |
RefineServerPort |
RefineServerPortCache |
RemoveObjectFromReportTask |
RenameObjectTask |
ReportDataServiceTask |
The Report Data Service task can be used to login, run a report, and logout.
This is a convenience task to avoid having to maintain a session State.
ReportExecutionTask |
Task for executing a report.
ReportSaveTask |
This task saves a report to metadata
ResultSetBeanManipulationTask |
RetrieveChildrenTask |
RWBinaryExecutionTask |
RWDataServiceTask |
The RW Data Service task can be used to login, run a report services document and logout.
This is a convenience task to avoid having to maintain a session State.
RWExecutionTask |
This class implements a Report Writer Document Execution Task.
RWLinkedDrillTask |
RWManipulationTask |
RWManipulationWithoutResultTask |
RWOnDemandDrillTask |
RWSaveSegmentTask |
RWSaveTask |
This task saves a report services document to metadata
RWSaveThemeTask |
This task saves a document theme to metadata
SaveCustomGroupTask |
SaveDynamicRecipientListTask |
SaveMetricDefinitionTask |
SaveReportDerivedMetricTask |
SaveRWDocumentViewsTask |
SaveRWTransactions |
SaveSubscriptionTask |
SaveThresholdsTask |
SessionAliveTask |
This task checks whether an Intelligence Server session is alive.
SetConditionalTransactionTask |
SetCubeAttributeFormMappingTask |
This class implements the SetCubeAttributeFormMapping task.
SetDocSelectorElementsTask |
SetDocumentZoomTask |
SetPreferenceTask |
SetRWUnitPropertiesTask |
SetVisualizationPropertiesTask |
This class implements a Task that sets visualization properties on a set of
metadata objects.
ShortURLTask |
This Task processes short URL
TaskInvoker |
This class assists in invoking Tasks from the Server Side.
TaskInvoker.Context |
TaskInvoker.TaskInfo |
UpdateMobileConfigurationPropertiesTask |
UpdateMobileConfigurationTask |
UploadImageTask |
This Task processes the file uploaded from an HTML form
UsherAuthenticationTask |
UsherNotifyMeTask |
UsherQRCodeTask |
UsherRegisterUserTask |
UsherRememberMeTask |
ValidateDocumentLinksTask |
This task validates added/removed document level attribute links and fetch the linkable attribute list for the specified attributes.
ValidateMetricTask |
ValidatePromptForTemplateTask |
ValidateUsherConfigTask |
ValidateWebServerConnectionTask |
Validates if the I-servers in the environment are connected with the web
WebComponentTask |
This class implements the Task interface using a WebComponent
to handle data collection.
WebServerAdminTask |
WikiScrapperTask |
WriteOnlyBeanTask |