Class ModifyPrivilegesTask

    • Field Detail

      • privilegeIDParam

        protected TaskParameterMetadata privilegeIDParam
        The privilege id of the user or group.
        This parameter format is as follows: "privId1^privId2^privId3", for the privId value, see com.microstrategy.webapi.EnumDSSXMLPrivilegeTypes
      • privilegeCategoriesParam

        protected TaskParameterMetadata privilegeCategoriesParam
        The privilege category of the user or group.
        This parameter format is as follows: "Ctype_privCat1ALL^Ctype_privCat2ALL", for the privilege category value, see com.microstrategy.webapi.EnumDSSXMLPrivilegeCategoryTypes Ctype_ is a required prefix for specifying categories. For example, specifying the Web Reporter privilege (DssXmlPrivilegeCategoryWebReporter = 1 ) would represent “Ctype_1ALL”. For testing this task in the Task Administrator or Task Developer page, copy the following delimiter to use to test: .
    • Constructor Detail

      • ModifyPrivilegesTask

        public ModifyPrivilegesTask()