Interface EnumPageEvents
- All Superinterfaces:
- All Known Subinterfaces:
- All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface EnumPageEvents extends EnumServletEvents
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static int
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.static int
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.static int
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.static int
Argument to specify an attribute and form Id values.static int
Argument to specify the name of a bean within the hierarchystatic int
Argument to specify the height of the bonestatic int
Argument to specify the name of the bonestatic int
Argument to specify the width of the bonestatic int
Argument to specify name of browser setting.static int
Argument to specify a value of a given browser setting.static int
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.static int
Argument to specify a name 'Execute' prompt button.static int
Argument to specify how Report is viewed, either as Grid or as Graph.static int
Argument to specify a name 'Load file' button.static int
Argument to specify values separator.static int
Argument to specify view mode of narrowcast subscriptions.static int
Deprecated.To update a preference each preference should define its own event.static int
Deprecated.To update a preference each preference should define its own event.static int
Argument to specify a name for a Prompt function.static int
Argument to specify where the refresh event is triggered from.static int
Argument to specify the default folder ID where reports and documents are saved.
It is a parameter for following event:WebEventSetSaveFolderID
static int
Argument to specify the screen mode to be displayed in the applicationstatic int
Argument to specify the view mode for security role elementsstatic int
Argument to specify whether to show or to hide a modal beanstatic int
Argument to pass serialized bean properties in a show bean eventstatic int
Argument to specify view mode of Web Subscriptions.static int
Argument to specify a name for Text file which contains prompt answers.static int
Argument to specify a name for Units selection to be add to prompt answer.static int
Argument to specify the view mode type for user manager elementsstatic int
Event to change the view mode of the folder content.static int
Event to update the view mode for security role elementsstatic int
Event to change the view mode in the my subscriptions page.static int
Event to update the view mode for user manager elementsstatic int
Event to refresh the current page.static int
Event to modify a browser setting.static int
Event to set the default folder ID where reports and documents are saved.static int
Event to modify a HTTP Session browser setting.static int
Event to show/hide modal app beans.static int
Event to switch between full screen mode and normal screen mode.static int
Event to update the boneProperty in user's preferencestatic int
Deprecated.To update a preference each preference should define its own event.-
Fields inherited from interface
RWebEventArgumentIMPORTAFTERSAVE, WebEventAddCacheSubscription, WebEventAddInboxSubscription, WebEventAddMobileSubscription, WebEventAddPersonalViewSubscription, WebEventAddSubscription, WebEventAdminOpenHome, WebEventArgumentActionType, WebEventArgumentAdvancedOption, WebEventArgumentAllowExecute, WebEventArgumentAnalysisAddMode, WebEventArgumentAnalysisID, WebEventArgumentApplyChangesFirst, WebEventArgumentAuthenticationMode, WebEventArgumentBeansState, WebEventArgumentCheckLogin, WebEventArgumentClearPage, WebEventArgumentConvertDashboardToDoc, WebEventArgumentCubeName, WebEventArgumentCubeReportId, WebEventArgumentDocumentID, WebEventArgumentDocumentViewMode, WebEventArgumentDrillDisplayMode, WebEventArgumentDrillElementList, WebEventArgumentDrillFilterOnPageBy, WebEventArgumentDrillGraphPixelX, WebEventArgumentDrillGraphPixelY, WebEventArgumentDrillPathKey, WebEventArgumentDrillRetainParent, WebEventArgumentDrillRetainThreshold, WebEventArgumentEventToForwardTo, WebEventArgumentExportDefaultRunMode, WebEventArgumentExportExpandPageByFields, WebEventArgumentexportFilterDetails, WebEventArgumentExportFormatNameGraphs, WebEventArgumentExportFormatNameGrids, WebEventArgumentExportFromOptions, WebEventArgumentExportHeadersAsText, WebEventArgumentExportMetricValuesAsText, WebEventArgumentExportOfficeRefresh, WebEventArgumentExportOverlapGridTitles, WebEventArgumentExportSection, WebEventArgumentExportTextDelimiter, WebEventArgumentExportUseLiveChartGraphs, WebEventArgumentExportUseSeparateSheets, WebEventArgumentFacebookToken, WebEventArgumentFastExportLink, WebEventArgumentFolderId, WebEventArgumentFolderName, WebEventArgumentFolderType, WebEventArgumentFromPageHistory, WebEventArgumentGraphHeight, WebEventArgumentGraphRequestId, WebEventArgumentGraphShrinkHeight, WebEventArgumentGraphShrinkWidth, WebEventArgumentGraphWidth, WebEventArgumentIgnoreGraphHeightWidth, WebEventArgumentIsAdminHelp, WebEventArgumentIsContinueForm, WebEventArgumentIsCubeEdit, WebEventArgumentIsCubeRepublish, WebEventArgumentIsFFSQL, WebEventArgumentIsFromPrompt, WebEventArgumentIsNew, WebEventArgumentIsNewAnalysis, WebEventArgumentLoginMode, WebEventArgumentMenuID, WebEventArgumentMenuOptionID, WebEventArgumentMessage, WebEventArgumentMessageID, WebEventArgumentNodeKey, WebEventArgumentNotAskExportOptions, WebEventArgumentObjectID, WebEventArgumentObjectType, WebEventArgumentParentFolderId, WebEventArgumentPDFAdminFooterFile, WebEventArgumentPDFAdminHeaderFile, WebEventArgumentPDFCoverPageFilterDetails, WebEventArgumentPDFExpandPageByFields, WebEventArgumentPDFExportFilename, WebEventArgumentPDFExportSection, WebEventArgumentPDFFitToPagesTall, WebEventArgumentPDFFitToPagesWide, WebEventArgumentPDFFooterCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPDFFooterLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPDFFooterRightSection, WebEventArgumentPDFHeaderCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPDFHeaderLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPDFHeaderRightSection, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeBottom, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeLeft, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeRight, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeTop, WebEventArgumentPDFMaxCells, WebEventArgumentPDFMaxFooterSize, WebEventArgumentPDFMaxHeaderSize, WebEventArgumentPDFOutlineModeState, WebEventArgumentPDFPaperOrientationOption, WebEventArgumentPDFPaperSize, WebEventArgumentPDFScalingOption, WebEventArgumentPDFShowOptions, WebEventArgumentPDFShrinkFontPercentage, WebEventArgumentPortNumber, WebEventArgumentPreferenceGroup, WebEventArgumentPreferenceGroupSet, WebEventArgumentPreferenceTransform, WebEventArgumentPrintAdminFooterFile, WebEventArgumentPrintAdminHeaderFile, WebEventArgumentPrintCoverPageFilterDetails, WebEventArgumentPrintDefaultColsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintDefaultRowsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintDisplayPopupPrintDialog, WebEventArgumentPrintExpandPagebyFields, WebEventArgumentPrintFitColsToPage, WebEventArgumentPrintFitRowsToPage, WebEventArgumentPrintFooterCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPrintFooterLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPrintFooterRightSection, WebEventArgumentPrintGridColsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintGridGraphSamePage, WebEventArgumentPrintGridRowsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintHeaderCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPrintHeaderLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPrintHeaderRightSection, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeBottom, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeLeft, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeRight, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeTop, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxCellsPerBlock, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxColsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxFooterSize, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxGraphsPerBlock, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxHeaderSize, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxRowsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintOpenNewWindow, WebEventArgumentPrintPaperOrientationOption, WebEventArgumentPrintPaperSize, WebEventArgumentPrintScalingOption, WebEventArgumentPrintShowOptionsOnPrint, WebEventArgumentPrintShrinkFontPercentage, WebEventArgumentProjectName, WebEventArgumentPromptExpressionType, WebEventArgumentPromptStyle, WebEventArgumentQueryBuild, WebEventArgumentRelativePageNumber, WebEventArgumentReportDesignMode, WebEventArgumentReportFilterID, WebEventArgumentReportParentFolderID, WebEventArgumentReportStateID, WebEventArgumentReportTemplateID, WebEventArgumentReportViewMode, WebEventArgumentRWCreationFlags, WebEventArgumentRWCreationTemplateID, WebEventArgumentRWExecutionMode, WebEventArgumentRWExportMode, WebEventArgumentRWPageByElements, WebEventArgumentRWViewMode, WebEventArgumentSaveAsOrigin, WebEventArgumentSaveAsOriginPath, WebEventArgumentSaveAsShowContinueButton, WebEventArgumentScheduleEditMode, WebEventArgumentSearchDomain, WebEventArgumentSearchString, WebEventArgumentServerAlias, WebEventArgumentServerName, WebEventArgumentSessionKey, WebEventArgumentShow, WebEventArgumentShowDefault, WebEventArgumentShowOptionsPage, WebEventArgumentShowServerProperties, WebEventArgumentSliceId, WebEventArgumentSourceId, WebEventArgumentSourceType, WebEventArgumentSubPage, WebEventArgumentSubscriptionDeliveryMode, WebEventArgumentSubscriptionID, WebEventArgumentTarget, WebEventArgumentTreeType, WebEventArgumentTriggerID, WebEventArgumentTwoStepVerificationCode, WebEventArgumentUpdateParentWindow, WebEventArgumentUserId, WebEventArgumentUserName, WebEventArgumentUserPassword, WebEventCallChangePassword, WebEventCancel, WebEventCloseDashboardPage, WebEventCreateBlankVI, WebEventCreateHTML5VI, WebEventCreateOptimizedVI, WebEventCreatePrompt, WebEventCreateSecurityRole, WebEventCreateUser, WebEventCreateUserGroup, WebEventDashboardPublishWizard, WebEventDeleteHistoryList, WebEventDeleteObject, WebEventDisplayError, WebEventDrillToFixedTemplateFromDocToReport, WebEventEditCacheSubscription, WebEventEditInboxSubscription, WebEventEditMobileSubscription, WebEventEditPersonalViewSubscription, WebEventEditPrompt, WebEventEditReport, WebEventEditRW, WebEventEditSecurityRole, WebEventEditSubscription, WebEventEditUser, WebEventEditUserGroup, WebEventExecuteHTML5VI, WebEventExecuteMojoIVE, WebEventExecuteRWDocumentHeavy, WebEventExportSaveReportProperties, WebEventFastDocumentExport, WebEventFastExport, WebEventFastPDFExport, WebEventForwardToRWExport, WebEventGeneric, WebEventGetDocumentDetails, WebEventGetReportDetails, WebEventGetRWDocumentDetails, WebEventGraphDrillFromDocToReport, WebEventGridDrillFromDocToReport, WebEventHTMLMenu, WebEventInitializeHTML5VIFromSubscription, WebEventIPadAnnotation, WebEventLoadGraph, WebEventLogout, WebEventNCAddFileSubscription, WebEventNCAddFTPSubscription, WebEventNCAddPrintSubscription, WebEventNCAddresses, WebEventNCAddSubscription, WebEventNCEditFileSubscription, WebEventNCEditFTPSubscription, WebEventNCEditPrintSubscription, WebEventNCEditSubscription, WebEventNCFileAddresses, WebEventNCFTPAddresses, WebEventNCOpenDeleteAddress, WebEventNCPrintAddresses, WebEventNCSendNow, WebEventNCSendNowConfirm, WebEventNCSubsConfirm, WebEventOpenAbout, WebEventOpenAdminFAQs, WebEventOpenAdminHelp, WebEventOpenAdminHelpIndex, WebEventOpenCreate, WebEventOpenCreateDocument, WebEventOpenCreatePromptPage, WebEventOpenDefaultDesktop, WebEventOpenDefaultHomePage, WebEventOpenDesktop, WebEventOpenDiagnostics, WebEventOpenExport, WebEventOpenExportDocument, WebEventOpenExportOptions, WebEventOpenExportOptionsFromReport, WebEventOpenFAQs, WebEventOpenFilterEditor, WebEventOpenHelp, WebEventOpenHelpIndex, WebEventOpenHelpSetup, WebEventOpenHistoryList, WebEventOpenHistoryPage, WebEventOpenHome, WebEventOpenImportWizard, WebEventOpenImportWizardEntryPage, WebEventOpenIPAConfiguration, WebEventOpenIPAMonitor, WebEventOpenMyPage, WebEventOpenMyReports, WebEventOpenMySubscriptions, WebEventOpenObjectSubscriptions, WebEventOpenOfficeSetup, WebEventOpenOptimizedVI, WebEventOpenPage, WebEventOpenPDFOptions, WebEventOpenPDFOptionsFromReport, WebEventOpenPDFSaveReportProperties, WebEventOpenPreferences, WebEventOpenPrint, WebEventOpenPrintDocument, WebEventOpenPrintOptions, WebEventOpenPrintOptionsFromReport, WebEventOpenPrintSaveReportProperties, WebEventOpenQBuilder, WebEventOpenRRAccountSetting, WebEventOpenRRQuoteAcceptanceForm, WebEventopenRRUserImport, WebEventOpenRRUserManagement, WebEventOpenSaveReportProperties, WebEventOpenSchedule, WebEventOpenSearch, WebEventOpenSecurityRolesFolder, WebEventOpenSecuritySetup, WebEventOpenSharedReports, WebEventOpenSubscriptionEngineSetup, WebEventOpenSummary, WebEventOpenTopLevelUserGroups, WebEventOpenWizard, WebEventPDFDisplay, WebEventPrefColorPalette, WebEventPrefDynamicAddresseList, WebEventProcessLogin, WebEventQuickLogout, WebEventReportFlashExport, WebEventReportWritingDocumentPDFExport, WebEventReportWritingDocumentPDFFastExport, WebEventReturnTo, WebEventRunSearch, WebEventRWDHTMLExport, WebEventRWExport, WebEventRWSaveAs, WebEventSaveAs, WebEventSelectFilter, WebEventSelectTemplate, WebEventTakeMeHome, WebOpenAnalysis, WebOpenPrefChangePwdPage
Field Detail
static final int WebEventChangeFolderViewMode
Event to change the view mode of the folder content.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventUpdatePreference
Deprecated.To update a preference each preference should define its own event.
For example: To change the folder view mode, developers should use theWebEventChangeFolderViewMode
constant.Event to update user's preference.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventRefresh
Event to refresh the current page.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventSetPermanentBrowserSetting
Event to modify a browser setting.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventChangeSubscriptionsViewMode
Event to change the view mode in the my subscriptions page.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventShowBean
Event to show/hide modal app beans.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventUpdateBoneProperty
Event to update the boneProperty in user's preference- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventChangeUserManagerViewModeType
Event to update the view mode for user manager elements- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventChangeSecurityRolesViewMode
Event to update the view mode for security role elements- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventSwitchScreenMode
Event to switch between full screen mode and normal screen mode.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventSetSaveFolderID
Event to set the default folder ID where reports and documents are saved.
When set, this will remain set as long as the session is valid.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventSetSessionBrowserSetting
Event to modify a HTTP Session browser setting.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentFolderViewMode
Argument to specify how Report is viewed, either as Grid or as Graph.
It is a parameter for following event: WebEventChangeFolderViewMode
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentPrefName
Deprecated.To update a preference each preference should define its own event.
For example: To change the folder view mode, developers should use theWebEventChangeFolderViewMode
constant.Argument to specify the name of the Preference to be updated.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentPrefValue
Deprecated.To update a preference each preference should define its own event.
For example: To change the folder view mode, developers should use theWebEventChangeFolderViewMode
constant.Argument to specify a value for given Preference.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBrowserSettingName
Argument to specify name of browser setting.
String parameter associated withEnumWebBrowserSettings
It is a parameter for following event: WebEventSetPermanentBrowserSetting
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBrowserSettingValue
Argument to specify a value of a given browser setting.
String parameter that represents a value to be assigned to a browser setting defined by WebEventArgumentBrowserSettingName.
It is a parameter for following event: WebEventSetPermanentBrowserSetting
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentSubscriptionsViewMode
Argument to specify view mode of Web Subscriptions.
String parameter associated withEnumWebPreferences
It is a parameter for following event: WebEventChangeSubscriptionsViewMode
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentNCSubscriptionsViewMode
Argument to specify view mode of narrowcast subscriptions.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentTextFileAnswer
Argument to specify a name for Text file which contains prompt answers.
String parameter that represents the name of the file to be uploaded containing values to be used as prompt answers.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentAttributeIdFormId
Argument to specify an attribute and form Id values. String value composed of two IDs, for both attribute and form.
codechange WebEventArgumentValueList was replaced with WebEventArgumentUnitsToAdd Also, made changes in entry found in appBeanEvents.xml wherewas replaced with - See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentAddUnitButton
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.
String value used in prompts. Represents the name of the image button.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentClearExistinAndAddUnitsButton
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.
String value used in prompts. Represents the name of the image button.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ARGUMENT_ACTION_CLEAR_EXISTING_AND_ADD_UNITS
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentAnswerFormat
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.
String value used in prompts. Represents the name of the image button.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ARGUMENT_ANSWER_FORMAT
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentAnswerOptions
Argument to specify a name for 'Add unit' button.
String value used in prompts. Represents the name of the image button.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ARGUMENT_ANSWER_OPTIONS
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentUnitsToAdd
Argument to specify a name for Units selection to be add to prompt answer.
String value for available list name, normally displayed as a list box. This list displays all available objects to be used as part of the prompt answer.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentLoadFile
Argument to specify a name 'Load file' button.
String value for this button.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentLoadFileSeparator
Argument to specify values separator.
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentExecutePromptedReport
Argument to specify a name 'Execute' prompt button.
String value for this button.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentPromptFunction
Argument to specify a name for a Prompt function.
String value for prompt function used to group prompt answers in file. Function gets changed to 'In' for this case.
It is a parameter for following event: EnumPromptsBeanEvents.PROMPTS_EVENT_ANSWER_ALL_PROMPTS
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentShowBean
Argument to specify whether to show or to hide a modal bean- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBean
Argument to specify the name of a bean within the hierarchy- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBoneName
Argument to specify the name of the bone- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBoneWidth
Argument to specify the width of the bone- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBoneHeight
Argument to specify the height of the bone- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentUserManagerViewModeType
Argument to specify the view mode type for user manager elements- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentSecurityRolesViewMode
Argument to specify the view mode for security role elements- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentShowBeanProperties
Argument to pass serialized bean properties in a show bean event- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentScreenMode
Argument to specify the screen mode to be displayed in the application- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentSaveFolderID
Argument to specify the default folder ID where reports and documents are saved.
It is a parameter for following event: WebEventSetSaveFolderID
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentRefreshOrigin
Argument to specify where the refresh event is triggered from. It is a parameter for the following event: WebEventRefresh
- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.2.1
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values