Class TemplateInfoList

    • Constructor Detail

      • TemplateInfoList

        public TemplateInfoList()
        Class constructor. Initializes a new -empty- instance of the TemplateInfoList class.
      • TemplateInfoList

        public TemplateInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Node root)
        Class constructor. Initializes a TemplateInfoList instance based on the information included in the XML Node
        root - Node instance representing the shortcut list information.
      • TemplateInfoList

        public TemplateInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Node root,
                                TemplateInfoList defaultList)
        Class constructor. Initializes a TemplateInfoList instance based on the information included in the XML Node
        defaultList - a TemplateInfoList instance containing the default template list to use for the page.
        root - Node instance representing the shortcut list information.
      • TemplateInfoList

        public TemplateInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
        Class constructor. Initializes a TemplateInfoList instance based on the information included in the DOM Document
        doc - Document instance representing the shortcut list information.
    • Method Detail

      • getTemplateInfo

        public TemplateInfo getTemplateInfo​(int status)
        Retrieve a TemplateInfo by its status. This method returns the best possible TemplateInfo for the given status, for this it uses the list of default templates as well.
        The TemplateInfo returned is in order:
        1. The TemplateInfo for the given status in this list
        2. The TemplateInfo for the given status in the default list
        3. The TemplateInfo for the status 0 (use for all status) in this list
        4. The TemplateInfo for the status 0 (use for all status) in the default list
        If none TemplateInfo is found, then null is returned.
        status - the status associated with the TemplateInfo
        the TemplateInfo associated with the given status