MicroStrategy ONE
Report Viewer menu bar options: Graph menu
You must have Developer privileges to view this menu option in the Report Viewer.
This menu provides various display options for a graph report:
Graph Style: Allows you to select, from a list of styles available, a style for a report displayed in Graph view. For requirements for each graph style and recommendations based on objects on the report, see the Graphing chapter in the Advanced Reporting Help.
Apply Graph Style: Provides a view of active projects, from which you can select the style of an existing graph (in .3TF format) to apply to a displayed report.
Save Graph Style: Lets you select a folder in which to store a graph style based on the settings of the graph report currently displayed. This saved graph style can be applied to another graph report later.
Graph Options: Opens the Graph Options dialog box, where you can determine how data is displayed in the graph report. Click Help in the dialog box for details on how to use the options.
Series Options: Select a series on the graph report to enable this option. Opens the Series Options dialog box, where you can configure individual series in the graph. For example, you can configure details for data labels and trendlines for a Line graph. Click Help in the dialog box for details on how to use the options.
Grids and Scales: Opens the Grids and Scales dialog box, where you can specify label location, axis display, and graph grid styles for each one of the graph axes.
Titles and Labels: Allows you to enter text for a graph title, a subtitle, footnote text, and so on. You can also use variables that change automatically. Click Help in the dialog box for details.
3-D Settings: Provides options for customizing three-dimensional displays. For example, a graph report that uses the X-Y-Z Scatter Chart graph style can have a different viewing angle, and you can rotate, pan, move the walls, and move the entire graph.
Preferences: Opens the Preferences dialog box, where you can customize fonts, scrolling conditions, vertical vs. horizontal scale ratios, and Subtotals data display in graph reports. You can also designate which graph styles can be applied to this report when it is being viewed.
Formatting: Lists graph report components (titles, footnotes, backgrounds, and so on) that can be customized.
Display: Lists the graph components to display.
Auto arrange: Helps smooth the overall appearance of a graph after formatting changes have been applied.
Depending on the graph style being used, you can right-click the graph to access many of the same menu options, such as Format Frame/Format 3D Frame/Format 3D Objects, Graph Style, Graph Options, Series Options, Grids and Scales, and Bar Width.