MicroStrategy ONE

Report Editor menu bar options: Template

Options in this menu let you save a report as a template on which you can base later reports. This menu also has options for you to add objects to the report's template:

  • Remove Shortcut to Template: Enabled after you add a shortcut-to-a-template to your report. This option removes the template and its objects, leaving you with an empty report template where you can start the report design process from scratch.

  • Save Template As: Provides a dialog box to save the report as a template. Saving a template allows you to reuse it for other reports.

  • Replace with Shortcut to Template: Enabled after you browse to and select an existing template in the Object Browser. This option removes the current report template and replaces it with a shortcut to the selected template. This is a quick way to populate a report with a set of objects, such as attributes and metrics, that already exist on a report template.

  • Replace with copy of template: Enabled after you browse to and select a template in the Object Browser. This option removes the current report template and replaces it with a copy of the selected template. This is a quick way to populate a report with a set of objects, such as attributes and metrics, that already exist on a report template.

  • Template Dependency Validator: Displays a list of all reports and HTML documents in the project that are currently using the template you have chosen for this report. The Validator also notes whether any of these reports and HTML documents will no longer execute properly based on a change made to the template. Click Help in the Validator for details on the information displayed in the Validator.

To add objects to a report, use the Object Browser to select an object that is not already on the report, and the appropriate option below becomes active:

  • Add to Row adds data to a specific row in a report.

  • Add to Column adds data to a specific column in a report.

  • Add to Page-by adds data to a specific page in a report to which page functionality has been applied.