MicroStrategy ONE

Gather information about your MicroStrategy project

Many of the objects within a project are generally created by the project's designer when the project is first created. Since you use these objects to design datasets for documents, it can be useful to understand your project's design, and specifically how the project's objects reflect the actual data in your organization's data source. In this way, you can choose objects to use in datasets with full knowledge of the data source tables that data is coming from when the document is executed.

For details on general project design and data modeling, see the Project Design Help.

Questions you should ask about your project include:

  • Do objects exist in the MicroStrategy metadata which match what users want to see on documents? If not, you (or a user with the appropriate privileges) can create them.

    • MicroStrategy provides flexibility in combining information from your data source into specific objects which reflect the concepts that make sense to your users. Consolidations and custom groups are just two examples of ways you can present data to your users in a way that does not directly reflect your data source's storage structure. For an introduction to consolidations and custom groups, see the Advanced Reporting Help.

  • What VLDB (Very Large Database) properties have been set? These settings affect how the SQL is written when a document sends a SQL query to your data source. VLDB properties are usually determined by an administrator, but some may also be defined by a project's designer. See Details for All VLDB Properties in the System Administration Help for more information.

  • What project configuration settings have been set that will affect reports or documents? Ask your project designer about any configuration settings made for the project as a whole, because most reports and report objects revert to the project's settings when no object-specific or report-specific settings override them.

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