BoundingBox |
The bounding box object represents the rectangle object that covers the boundary of the geo object.
ComboGeoData |
The ComboGeoData contains a heterogeneous GeoData objects.
DouglasPeuckerSimplification |
Stack-based Douglas Peucker line simplification routine
returned is a reduced GLatLng array
After code by Dr.
EnumMapFeatures |
GeoDataByteSerializer |
GeoDataJSONSerializer |
The GeoDataSerializer sub class that generates JSON data GeoData objects
GeoPath |
The GeoPath object represents a path/line object in the map.
GeoPoint |
The GeoPoint object represent a point in the map.
GeoPolygon |
A GeoPolygon object represent a polygon object that can contains holes.
GeoRequestBase |
Request object contains all the parsed query parameters, including query target type, query fields, and basic utility functions.
GoogleMapProjection |
Google map projection, convert from LatLng object to world coordinate and from world coordinate to PixelPoint object.
KMLShapeRepository |
The repository loads the kml files and creates and caches the @{link KMLObject} into memory for query.
LatLng |
Represent the latitude and longitude of a map location.
LookupRequest |
A request object for querying the geo object lookup info.
MapObject |
The base class for map objects such as markers, line objects, shapes etc.
MapObjectFactory |
MapShape |
The MapShape object is a subtype of MapObject created for representing a shape object stored in a repository.
MapShapeCache |
MapShapeRepository |
The MapShapeRepository loads shape data from file databases and caches the geomtry data into memory.
MultiGeoData<E extends GeoData> |
The abstract class of the list of same type of GeoData object.
MultiGeoPolygon |
A MultiGeoPolygon can contain multiple polygons.
MultiGeoPolyline |
A MultiGeoPolyline can contain multiple paths.
PixelPoint |
The pixel coordinate of a given point in the map
Point |
The class contains the x,y coordinates of a point in the Cartesian coordinate system.
QueryRequest |
Query object to set parameters for map object repository.
ShapeHierarchy |
The shape hierarchy class parses the hierarchy info file and generate two map objects (child to parent and parent to child relationship).
ShapeHierarchy.HierarchyStructure |
A inner class used to store the child:parent relationship objects
TileService |
The tile service reads the tile files and generates the map of tile id and shape ids.