Interface PromptDefinitionAppBean
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface PromptDefinitionAppBean extends EditableObjectAppBean
The PromptDefinitionAppBean is the application bean used for editing prompt definitions. This bean works in concert with thePromptDefinitionBean
, and ties together a tab manager, the object selection bean, the prompts container bean, and the aforementioned PromptDefinitionBean. For proper operation, it is expected that this bean has a child TabManager, PromptDefinitionBean, and ObjectSelectionBean defined in the pageConfig.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
Field Summary
Fields inherited from interface
Fields inherited from interface com.microstrategy.utils.serialization.EnumWebPersistableState
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description GUIOperator[]
Returns the set of operators for this select expression type, when this is an expression prompt.GUIOperator[]
Returns the set of operators for this expression prompt, when this is an expression prompt.ObjectSelectionBean
This method will return a childObjectSelectionBean
, if one exists.ObjectSelectionBean
getObjectSelectionBean​(int mode)
This method will return a childObjectSelectionBean
, if one exists.PromptDefinitionBean
This method will return a child PromptDefinitionBean.PromptsContainerBean
Returns a childPromptsContainerBean
, if one exists.TabManagerBean
This method will return a child TabManagerBean, if one exists.boolean
Methods inherited from interface
getAppContext, getDescriptor, getDescriptor, getEventManager, getExtraInput, getExtraUrl, getLeft, getResultFilterMode, getTop, isDialog, isForcedChildrenStateSaving, isModal, isModalOpen, isOpen, setExtraInput, setExtraUrl, setForcedChildrenStateSaving, setHasJustOpened, setIsDialog, setIsModal, setIsOpen, setLeft, setTop
Methods inherited from interface
getObjectBean, getSaveObjectAsDialogBean
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.utils.serialization.Persistable
restoreState, restoreState, saveState, saveState, saveState, saveState
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.beans.RequestPersistable
restoreStateFromRequest, restoreStateFromRequest
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.beans.Transformable
addTransform, addTransformByClass, addTransformByStyle, addTransformByStyle, clearTransforms, getBeanContext, getMessageString, getMyTransformInstances, getTransformInstance, getTransformInstance, getTransformInstances, getType, hasTransform, hasTransform, invalidateTransformCache, setBeanContext, transform, transform
Methods inherited from interface com.microstrategy.web.beans.WebComponent
addChild, addChildStateInfo, addChildStateInfo, collectData, collectMinimalData, generateOutput, getBeanContext, getChild, getChild, getChildByClass, getChildByType, getChildCount, getChildrenByClass, getDefaultStateLevel, getFeaturesManager, getMaximumStateLevel, getName, getOutputFormat, getParent, getPath, getPersistMode, getRenderingFilter, getRoot, getTargetBean, getTargetBeanPath, getWebEvent, getWebEvent, getWebEventHandler, getXMLStatus, handleRequest, hasChanged, hasJustOpened, initBean, invalidateChildrenState, isBeanContextEmpty, isFeatureAvailable, prepareForReuse, removeChild, removeChild, searchChild, setBeanContext, setBeanContext, setChanged, setChanged, setDefaultStateLevel, setFeaturesManager, setName, setOutputFormat, setParent, setPersistMode, setRenderingFilter, setTargetBean, setTargetBeanPath, setWebEventHandler
Method Detail
PromptDefinitionBean getPromptDefinitionBean()
This method will return a child PromptDefinitionBean. It is required that the user create a child PromptDefinitionBean for this bean to be useful.- Returns:
- The child PromptDefinitionBean, or null if one does not exist.
TabManagerBean getTabManager()
This method will return a child TabManagerBean, if one exists.- Returns:
- The child TabManagerBean, or null if one does not exist.
ObjectSelectionBean getObjectSelectionBean()
This method will return a childObjectSelectionBean
, if one exists. TheObjectSelectionBean
is a bean that can be used to select several different objects or lists of objects used in building prompts.- Returns:
- The child
, or null if one does not exist.
ObjectSelectionBean getObjectSelectionBean​(int mode)
This method will return a childObjectSelectionBean
, if one exists. In addition, if the bean is not already in the given editing mode, the given mode will be set. This is important because the act of setting the mode will effectively mark the "rollback" point that will be used by the bean if the user cancels the edit operation.- Returns:
- The child
, or null if one does not exist.
PromptsContainerBean getPromptsContainerBean()
Returns a childPromptsContainerBean
, if one exists. The PromptsContainerBean is used for displaying default, and sometimes available, answers.- Returns:
- The child
, or null if one does not exist.
GUIOperator[] getExpressionPromptOperators()
Returns the set of operators for this expression prompt, when this is an expression prompt. The operators will be different for different expression type. The list is defined in PromptExpressionOperators.xml
GUIOperator[] getAttributeQualificationInListOperators()
Returns the set of operators for this select expression type, when this is an expression prompt.
boolean isPromptSavedSuccessful()