Class SectionInfoList

    • Constructor Detail

      • SectionInfoList

        public SectionInfoList()
        Class constructor. Initializes a new -empty- instance of the SectionInfoList class.
      • SectionInfoList

        public SectionInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Node root)
        Class constructor. Initializes a SectionInfoList instance based on the information included in the XML Node
        root - Node instance representing the shortcut list information.
      • SectionInfoList

        public SectionInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
        Class constructor. Initializes a SectionInfoList instance based on the information included in the DOM Document
        doc - Document instance representing the shortcut list information.
      • SectionInfoList

        public SectionInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Node root,
                               SectionInfoList defaultList)
        Class constructor. Initializes a SectionInfoList instance based on the information included in the XML Node
        root - Node instance representing the shortcut list information.
        defaultList - a SectionInfoList used as default.
      • SectionInfoList

        public SectionInfoList​(org.w3c.dom.Document doc,
                               SectionInfoList defaultList)
        Class constructor. Initializes a SectionInfoList instance based on the information included in the DOM Document
        doc - Document instance representing the shortcut list information.
        defaultList - a SectionInfoList used as default.
    • Method Detail

      • useDefault

        public boolean useDefault()
        Use-default has been expanded to not only support Default values, but also values from config-src and customizations. To retrieve the value use AbstractConfigurationElement.getUseDefault()
        Returns whether to use the DefaultSectionInfoList when when initializing this instance. If true and the defaultSectionList is not null, we'll add first all of the default SectionInfo and then add the elements on the xml.
        true if the defaultList should be used
      • getDefaultSectionInfoList

        public SectionInfoList getDefaultSectionInfoList()
        Not used anymore
        Returns the DefaultSectionList. This list is used when initializing the instance if the useDefault is true. All the elements in this list are automatically added, not depending if they're in the xml definition.
        the default SectionInfoList
      • getSectionInfo

        public SectionInfo getSectionInfo​(java.lang.String name)
        Retrieve a SectionInfo by its name.
        name - The name of the Section.
        the SectionInfo associated with the given name