MicroStrategy ONE
Displaying data sources in Architect
You can define which data sources in your system are displayed in Architect. Once displayed, you can begin to add tables from the data source into your project.
A database instance has been created for the data source. For information on database instances and examples on how to create them, see the Installation and Configuration Help.
You are creating or modifying a project using Architect. For instructions, see Creating and modifying projects.
To display data sources in Architect
With a project open in Architect, from the Architect Button, select Select Database Instance. The Select Database Instance dialog box opens.
From the list of data sources, you can display or hide a data source:
Select a check box for a data source to display it in Architect. Once displayed, you can begin to add tables from the data source into your project.
Clear a check box for a data source to hide it in Architect. You cannot hide a data source that is used in a project.
Click OK to save your changes and return to Architect.