MicroStrategy ONE

Grant Access to the Platform Analytics Repository for Single Node Telemetry

By default, Microstrategy Repository allows access to and from a local machine. If you choose to host Microstrategy Repository on a separate machine, you must grant access to the Intelligence server (each node of the cluster) to query the data.

  1. Navigate to the repository installation path.

    Windows default location:

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\MicroStrategy\Repository\pgsql\PGDATA\pg_hba.conf

    Linux default location ;


  2. Modify pg_hba.conf to grant access to the Intelligence server (each node of the cluster). Add the following lines to the bottom of the file:

    host platform_analytics_wh mstr_pa <I-servermachine node1 IP>/32 password
    host platform_analytics_wh mstr_pa <I-servermachine node2 IP>/32 password
    host platform_analytics_wh mstr_pa <I-servermachine node3 IP>/32 password
  3. Save your changes.