MicroStrategy ONE

Passing selector values from the source to the target

A selector allows each user to interact with a document to display only the subset of data that he is interested in or only specific attribute elements or metrics.

The selector values that the user chooses in the source document can be passed to the selectors in the target document.

For example, the Regional Revenue document contains a selector for Region, so that the user can view revenue for a specific region. The document contains a link to the Category Revenue by Region document, which also contains a Region selector. If you select Central in the selector, only the Central region, with its revenue, is displayed in the document. If you tap the link for the Category Revenue by Region document, that document is displayed. The selector is set to Central, the same as the selector in the Regional Revenue document. Only Central's data is displayed, by category.

To pass selector values from the source document to the target document, both the source and the target must contain the same selector. This means that either both documents must contain a selector with the same name (such as Region Selector), or both documents must contain a selector that uses the same source object (the object displayed in the selector, such as Region). When you create a link that passes selector values, you can choose to match the selector values either by the selector name or the source object.