MicroStrategy ONE

Allowing users to filter data based on a single value: Value prompts

A value prompt lets users select a single value, such as a date or specific text string, and filter report data based on their selection. The different types of value prompts are:

  • Date and time prompt: This prompt type asks users to type or select a date, and returns data with the Date data type that matches the user's selection. For example, the Date prompt can be useful when added to a filter that screens data based on Year=2016. The prompt lets users select a specific date within the year of the filter's condition. Date prompts are used in filters that qualify on a date.

  • Date and time prompts are displayed as wheels on an iPhone or iPad, and are displayed as a date/time stepper on an Android device.

  • Numeric prompt: This prompt type asks users to type a numeric value. Numeric value prompts accept integers or decimals up to 15 digits of precision. Numeric prompts can be used in any filter that needs a number input from the user. For example, a numeric prompt may be used to filter results where the minimum value for Revenue is entered by the user.

  • Numeric prompts can be displayed as text boxes, numeric wheels, sliders, steppers, switches to choose between two numeric values, and location prompts.

  • Text prompt: This prompt type asks users to type a string of text in a text box.

  • Text prompts can be displayed as text boxes, or as barcode reader prompts.

  • Big decimal prompt: This prompt type asks users for a "big decimal" value. Big decimal value prompts accept integers and decimals up to 38 digits of precision.

  • Big decimal prompts can be displayed as text boxes.

For more information about value prompts, see the MicroStrategy Web Help.

To create a value prompt

  1. On the MicroStrategy Web home page, click Create Prompt. The Create Prompt page opens, with a list of the types of prompts you can create.

  2. Click Value Prompt. The New Prompt page opens.

  3. Specify the type of value prompt, making your selection based on your requirements:

    • To let users filter for data related to either a specific date or a range of dates, click Date and Time prompt.

    • To let users filter numeric data, usually based on a metric, click Numeric prompt.

    • To let users filter text data, usually based on attribute forms, click Text prompt.

    • To let users filter data based on a big decimal value for a metric, click Big Decimal prompt.

  4. Click the General tab.

  5. Specify a title and description for the prompt in the Title and Instructions fields.

  6. To restrict the prompt answers

  7. To require users to answer the prompt before running the report, select the Prompt answer is required check box.

  8. To set the maximum and minimum values that can be entered by the user, select the Minimum value and Maximum value check boxes and type a value in the respective fields. You can specify a minimum value even if you do not specify a maximum value.

  9. To specify the layout and display style of the prompt

  10. Click the Style tab.

  11. From the Display style drop-down list, specify a presentation style, such as Textbox, for the prompt. This is how the prompt is displayed to the user.

  12. Depending on your requirements, choose the appropriate display style and options by referring to the following table:

  13. End Goal

    Prompt Type and Display Style

    Setup Recommendations and Requirements

    Select a date from a calendar

    Prompt type: Date & Time

    Display style:


    Minimum value: Specify the earliest date that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Maximum value: Specify the latest date that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Select a date and/or time from a wheel

    Prompt type: Date & Time

    Display style:


    Minimum value: Specify the earliest date and time that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Maximum value: Specify the latest date and time that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Allow user to select time: Specify whether the user can select a time as well as a date to answer the prompt.

    Interval (minutes): Specify the interval displayed between each value on the wheel. For example, an interval of 30 allows users to select times in 30-minute intervals, such as 9:30 A.M., 10:00 A.M., 10:30 A.M., and so on.

    Type a numeric value to answer a prompt

    Prompt type: Numeric

    Display style: Textbox

    Minimum value: Specify the lowest value that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Maximum value: Specify the highest value that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Use a switch to choose between two numeric values

    Prompt type: Numeric

    Display style: Switch

    On value: Specify the numeric value used when the switch is set to its On position. The default is 1.

    Off value: Specify the numeric value used when the switch is set to its Off position. The default is 0.

    Select a numeric value on a horizontal slider

    Prompt type: Numeric

    Display style: Slider

    Minimum value (required): Specify the lowest selectable value in the slider.

    Maximum value (required): Specify the highest selectable value in the slider.

    Interval: Specify the interval displayed between each value on the slider. For example, an interval of 10 allows users to specify values in increments of 10, such as 10, 20, 30, and so on.

    Use a stepper to increment or decrement a numeric value

    Prompt type: Numeric

    Display style: Stepper

    Minimum value: Specify the lowest value that is displayed in the prompt.

    Maximum value: Specify the highest value that is displayed in the prompt.

    Interval: Specify the interval used to increment or decrement values in the stepper. For example, if the stepper's minimum value is set to 100, and the interval is 10, users can increment the stepper value to 100, 110, 120, and so on.

    Select a numeric value from a wheel

    Prompt type: Numeric

    Display style: Wheel

    Minimum value: Specify the lowest value that is displayed in the prompt.

    Maximum value: Specify the highest value displayed in the prompt.

    Interval: Specify the interval displayed between each value on the wheel. For example, an interval of 30 allows users to specify values in increments of 30.

    Filter data based on a user's current location

    Prompt type: Numeric

    Display style: Geo Location

    Mobile preferences: Select the Latitude or Longitude option to filter data based on the current latitude or longitude.

    For Geo Location prompts, you must create one prompt for the longitude, and one for the latitude.

    For a detailed description of the Geo Location prompt, see Prompting users for their location: Geo Location prompts.

    Type text to answer a prompt

    Prompt type: Text

    Display style: Textbox

    Minimum number of characters: Specify the minimum required length of the prompt answer.

    Maximum number of characters: Specify the maximum allowable length of the prompt answer.

    Scan or type an item's barcode

    Prompt type: Text

    Display style: Barcode Reader

    Minimum number of characters: Specify the minimum required length of the barcode.

    Maximum number of characters: Specify the maximum allowable length of the barcode.

    For a detailed description of the Barcode Reader prompt, see Creating Barcode Reader prompts.

    Type a large number to answer a prompt

    Prompt type: Big Decimal

    Display style: Textbox

    Minimum value: Specify the lowest value that can be used to answer the prompt.

    Maximum value: Specify the highest value that can be used to answer the prompt.

    For examples of each prompt display style, see Allowing users to filter data: prompts.

    To save the prompt

  14. To save the prompt, click Save As. The Save As dialog box opens.

  15. Specify a name, description, and the location in which to save the prompt and click OK. The Save As dialog box closes, and the prompt is saved.