Version 2021

How to Save a Report

You can make changes to reports and save them for easy access at a later date. You can select options for prompted reports, such as whether to keep the report prompted. You can also save reports as filters or templates, as follows:

  • Saving a report as a filter allows you to use the saved report to filter a different report. For example, if you have a report that returns basic data such as revenue for the year 2008, you can save the report as a filter and then use the new filter on other reports; in this example, the filter would restrict data on other reports to revenue in the year 2008.
  • Saving the report as a template allows you to use the saved report as a base on which to build other reports. For example, if you have a report that returns basic data such as countries and revenue, you can save the report as a template on which you build several other reports, all of which contain country and revenue data but also contain additional data as appropriate for each report.

Steps are below to save a report. For steps to save a document, see HTML 문서 저장 .

You must have the necessary privileges to save reports.

  1. Open the report to save.
  2. From the Home menu, select one of the following:
    • To save a report, select Save. If you are working on a report that has already been saved, a confirmation message appears. If desired, select the Do not ask me again checkbox to avoid showing this message for any dossiers, documents, or reports in the future. Click Yes.

      If you are saving a new report, the Save As dialog box opens. Select the appropriate options to save your report, as described in the steps below.

      If the report has already been saved and contains prompts, the report is automatically saved as a prompted report with the Filter and Template set as prompted, and the Set the current answers to be the default prompt answers checkbox selected. To select different prompt options, select Save As from the Home menu instead of Save, as described in the option below.

    • To save a copy of an existing report using a different name or to specify prompt options for an existing report, select Save As. Select the appropriate options to save your report, as described in the steps below.
  3. Browse to the folder in which you want to save the report. You can create a new folder in which to save the report, as described below:
    1. Click the Create New Folder icon Create New Folder icon. (If DHTML is disabled, the Create New Folder dialog box is already displayed at the bottom.)
    2. In the Folder field, enter a name for the folder. You cannot create a folder with the same name as an existing folder.
    3. In the Description field, enter a description for your folder.
    4. Click Create Folder.
  4. In the Name and Description fields, type a name and description for the report.
  5. If you are saving a prompted report, you can choose whether to keep the report prompted when the report is executed again. Select the Keep report prompted checkbox. Expand the Advanced Options, then select one of the following:
    • To save the prompt answers you specified and automatically skip the prompt selection page when running the report, select the Save report as static option. The next time the report is run, the saved answers will automatically be used to answer the prompts and run the report. The prompt selection page will not be displayed to users.
    • To display the prompt selection page each time that the report is run, select the Save report as prompted option, then perform the following steps:
      1. You can determine which prompts will be presented to users when the report is run. You can choose to display prompts that are part of the report's filter, prompts that have been placed on the report's template, or both. Select one of the following:
        • To present users only with prompts that have been added to the report's filter, select the Only filter will be prompted option. The next time the report is run, users will only be prompted to provide answers for filter definition prompts. Answers for prompts that have been placed on the report's template, such as objects that users have selected in an object prompt or levels selected in a level prompt, are saved with the report definition and do not need to be provided by the user.
        • To present users only with prompts that are part of the report's template, select the Only template will be prompted option. The next time the report is run, users are only prompted to select objects for prompts that have been placed on the report's template. Answers for prompts that have been added to the report's filter are saved with the report definition and do not need to be provided by the user.
        • To present users with all prompts, regardless of whether they have been added to the report's filter or the report's template, select the Filter and template will be prompted option. The report is saved so that object prompts, level prompts, and filter definition prompts all remain active.
      2. You can choose to use the prompt answers you specified as default prompt answers to be used the next time the report is run. Do one of the following:
        • To use the prompt answers as default prompt answers, select the Set the current prompt answer to be the default prompt answer checkbox.
        • To save the report without default answers, clear the Set the current prompt answer to be the default prompt answer checkbox.
  6. If the report is prompted, you can save the report as a filter. Perform the following steps:
    1. Click the Filter tab.
    2. Select the Keep filter prompted checkbox.
    3. Expand the Advanced Options and choose one of the following:
      • To save the prompt answers that have been selected for the report and automatically use them as answers each time the user runs a report to which the report-as-filter has been added, select the Save filter as static option. The report-as-filter is not prompted when a report that it has been added to is run.
      • To present the prompt selection page to the user each time the user runs a report to which the report-as-filter has been added, select the Save filter as prompted option. The report-as-filter is prompted when the report that it is added to is run.
  7. If the report is prompted, you can save the report as a template. Perform the following steps:
    1. Click the Template tab.
    2. Select the Keep template prompted checkbox.
    3. Expand the Advanced Options and choose one of the following:
      • To save the prompt answers that have been selected for the report and automatically use them as answers each time the user runs a report that is based on the report-as-template, select the Save template as static option. The report-as-template is not prompted when a report that is based on it is run.
      • To present the prompt selection page to the user each time the user runs a report that is based on the report-as-template, select the Save template as prompted option. The report-as-template is prompted when a report that is based on it is run.
  8. If you are saving a copy of the report and translations are available for the report's name in languages other than the one in which you are working, you can choose to keep or discard the translations. By default, translations for the other languages are discarded, and the name that you provided in the Name field above is used to identify the copy for all users until new name translations can be provided for the other languages. This ensures that the names used to identify the original and the copy are different, regardless of the language in which they are displayed.

    If you choose to keep the translated names, the translations for the original object will be duplicated and saved with your copy. As a result, both the original object and the new copy will be displayed with identical names when viewed by users working in one of the other languages. Do one of the following:

    • To keep the translations, select the Copy names from all other languages checkbox
    • To discard the translations, clear the Copy names from all other languages checkbox.
  9. Click OK.

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