MicroStrategy ONE
Format Panel for Visualization Filters and Selectors
Once you create a visualization filter or selector, you can customize its display.
- Open an existing dashboard that contains the visualization filter or selector you want to format.
- Select the visualization filter or selector in the dashboard.
- In the left toolbar, click Format
Select the area of the visualization you want to format from the first drop-down.
Style: Select Check Boxes, Slider, Search Box, Link Bar Button Bar, Radio Buttons, Drop-down, or List Box filter styles for attributes. Select the Slider or Qualification filter style for metrics.
Font: Select font formatting options.
Selection: Select the color for selection areas when choosing filters or selectors.
Mode: Select whether to include or exclude data using the filter selections. This option is available for all attribute and metric filters using a slider.
Allow multiple selections: Select this checkbox to allow multiple selections in an attribute filter or selector. This option is available for Slider, Search Box, Link Bar, Button Bar, Drop-down, and List Box filter styles. This field is only available for attribute/metric selectors when the target of the selector is a grid.
Make all items the same width: Select this checkbox to display each item in an attribute filter or selector using the same width. The width of each item is proportional to the length of the text inside the item. This field is only available for Check Boxes, Link Bar, Button Bar, and Radio Buttons.
Show option for All: Determines whether the filter shows the All option, which displays all the objects in the target. This field is only available for attribute filters.
Alias: This field appears if you select the Show optional for All checkbox. The All option appears in the filter as (All) by default. To replace it with your own text, type the text in this field. This field is only available for attribute filters.
Title and Container
The following options are available to format the title, background, and borders of the filter container:
Show Title Bar: Select the checkbox to display the filter container's title.
Font: Select font formatting options.
Fill Color: Select the background color of the title bar from the palette. In the Percent field, type the opacity of the background as a percentage. Higher values are more opaque.
Fill Color: Select the background color of the filter container from the palette. In the Percent field, type the opacity of the background as a percentage. Higher values are more opaque.
Outer Border: Select the style and color of the filter container's borders from the drop-down lists.