MicroStrategy ONE
Download a local copy of MicroStrategy Library SDK documentation
The MicroStrategy SDK documentation is available on the Welcome to MicroStrategy Developer page and always contains the latest MicroStrategy Library SDK content. The recommended practice is to use this content, but in situations where there may not be a connection to the Internet, a zipped copy of the documentation can be downloaded to a local machine.
- The Python SDK, REST API, Embedding SDK, and Hyper SDK help files are located in GitHub and can be accessed from the Welcome to MicroStrategy Developer page.
- Create a directory to hold the associated SDK files. For example, create a directory called 2021.
- For the remaining SDK help files, download the MSDL zip file and extract its contents to the directory you just created. You can also contact MicroStrategy Support and have this file sent to you. It has the following structure:
- CustExplorer
- CustomizationPlugins
- DataConnectorSDK
- DevLib
- downloads
- LibraryMobileSDK
- Library SDK
- Mobile SDK
- samples
- ShellFiles
- WebAPIReference