MicroStrategy ONE

Features that prevent the use of dynamic sourcing

Some features prevent the use of dynamic sourcing between Intelligent Cubes and report, as described in the sections listed below:

In addition to these features, if you use filter qualifications on attribute forms in reports and Intelligent Cubes, a mismatch in the attribute forms used in the qualifications can prevent dynamic sourcing between the report and Intelligent Cube. For example, a report includes a filter qualification on the ID form of the Customer attribute. An Intelligent Cube includes a filter qualification on the Description form of the Customer attribute. Since different attribute forms are used to restrict the data, a direct relationship between the data cannot be verified and dynamic sourcing cannot be used to connect the report to the Intelligent Cube.

You can track various information related to dynamic sourcing that can help determine why dynamic sourcing succeeded or failed for reports, as described in Tracking the use of dynamic sourcing.

Features that prevent reports from using dynamic sourcing

If any of the features listed below are present in reports, the reports may not be able to use dynamic sourcing:

  • Consolidations
  • Custom groups
  • Query Builder or Freeform SQL reports cannot use dynamic sourcing.
  • Set qualifications in the report filter or metric conditions:
    • Metric qualifications
    • Relationship qualifications that do not include a filter in their definition, or that use a Relate By option other than Use System Default.
  • OR logical operator used in the report filter to combine qualifications which include different attributes or attribute forms.
  • AND NOT or OR NOT logical operators
  • Metrics that use passthrough functions such as ApplySimple. Alternatively, facts can be defined using passthrough functions such as ApplySimple. These facts can then be used to create metrics, which can be used on reports that can support dynamic sourcing.
  • Freeform MDX metrics. On reports based on MDX data sources, these are analogous to metrics with passthrough functions.
  • Metrics that use facts with extensions or degradations
  • Data marts
  • Report as filter used in the report filter
  • Using any of the options listed below for the following VLDB properties:

    VLDB property

    Options that prevent report from using dynamic sourcing

    Downward outer join

    Preserve all rows for metrics higher than template level without report filter

    Do not do downward outer join for database that support full outer join

    OLAP function support

    Preserve backward compatibility with 8.1.x and earlier

    This setting prevents the report from using dynamic sourcing only under the following conditions:

    The report has metrics that use Rank or NTile functions

    The report has metrics that use functions with a SortBy parameter

    For information on functions and function parameters, refer to the Functions Reference.

Features that prevent Intelligent Cubes from being available for dynamic sourcing

If the features listed below are present in an Intelligent Cube, the Intelligent Cube may not be available for dynamic sourcing:

  • Set qualifications in the Intelligent Cube filter:
    • Metric qualifications
    • Relationship qualifications
  • OR logical operator used in the Intelligent Cube filter to combine qualifications which include different attributes or attribute forms
  • AND NOT or OR NOT logical operators used in the Intelligent Cube filter
  • Passthrough functions such as ApplySimple
  • Report as filter used in the Intelligent Cube filter
  • Report limits
  • For Intelligent Cubes based on MDX data sources, dynamic sourcing is not supported if the Intelligent Cube uses incremental refresh settings. For information on incremental refresh, see Updating Intelligent Cubes without re-processing: Incremental Refresh.

If the features listed below are present in an Intelligent Cube the features may not be available for dynamic sourcing, but the rest of the Intelligent Cube may be able to support dynamic sourcing:

  • Metrics that use facts with fact extensions or degradations are not available for dynamic sourcing.
  • Conditional metrics are not available for dynamic sourcing. Conditional metrics are described in the Advanced Reporting Help.
  • Compound metrics that are not defined as smart metrics in an Intelligent Cube are not available for dynamic sourcing.