MicroStrategy ONE

Best Practice for MicroStrategy PRIME

MicroStrategy 10.0 introduced the next generation of in-memory analytics, also referred to as in-memory partitioning or PRIME (Parallel Relational In-Memory Engine). In-memory analytics enables you to create in-memory cubes using the Multi-Table Data Import feature.

Before MicroStrategy 10.0, the only way to create an intelligent cube (also known as an ROLAP cube or an OLAP cube) was from a report (which is a single table dataset). Starting in MicroStrategy 10.0, you have the option to use Data Import to create an in-memory dataset (sometimes referred to as an super cube) containing data from multiple tables. For easy reference, the following lists a comparison between Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) and super cubes.

  OLAP Super


Existed before MicroStrategy 10.0

New in MicroStrategy 10.0

Data Volume

In 9.x, limited to 2 billion rows

Each partition can have up to 2 billion rows


A single table dataset, pre-joined

Multiple tables, not pre-joined

Closer to raw data staged in-memory; Multiple in-memory fact tables, including varying grains, many-to-many relationship tables, and entity-relation model semantics


User specifies the definition of the cube on a Report Template with Attributes, Metrics, and Filter

User specifies the tables to load into memory; Attributes/Metrics are mapped to these tables

Query Generation


Intelligence Server generates the SQL to execute against the data source (can use Multi-Source)

By default, final pass of SQL joins lookup tables to fact table and/or metric temp tables to retrieve attribute descriptions

Queries submitted to the RDBMS are simple SELECT statements against the tables—no joins among tables





Parallel Data Fetch Option set at Intelligent Cube level

Maximum Parallel Queries Per Report set at Project level

In-memory cubes are perfect for use when creating visually-rich and interactive dashboard applications. Most in-memory analytics dashboard applications are built using the MicroStrategy Report Services Document interface. In-memory cubes can also be used as a dataset within Visual Insight dashboards.