MicroStrategy ONE

MicroStrategy Badge Device Settings

On your iOS device, tap Settings > MicroStrategy Badge to define the following options:

  • Location — Specifies when your location is available to MicroStrategy Badge: Never, While Using the App, or Always. Your location may be required to determine whether you have access to a specific resource.
  • Bluetooth Sharing — Specifies whether Bluetooth can be used to provide network connectivity. For example, MicroStrategy Badge will attempt to use Bluetooth to unlock your computer if network connectivity is not available.
  • Camera — Specifies whether MicroStrategy Badge can access your camera. Camera access is needed to scan QR codes and other barcodes.
  • Siri and Search — Specifies when and how Siri is used within MicroStrategy Badge.
  • Notifications — Specifies whether notifications are permitted on your phone. If enabled, this option specifies whether notifications can be displayed in the Notification Center, Lock Screen, or both.
  • Background App Refresh — Specifies whether to continually update MicroStrategy Badge information when the app is running in the background. By default, this option is enabled.
  • Cellular Data — Specifies whether MicroStrategy Badge can transmit through a cellular data connection. If turned off, MicroStrategy Badge will transmit through Wi-Fi only.

On your Android phone, tap Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > Badge to define the following options:

  • Notifications — Specifies whether to show notifications.
  • Permissions — Specifies whether your camera and location are accessible to the app.