MicroStrategy ONE

Add Azure Active Directory Information to MicroStrategy Identity and Synchronize Users

  1. Return to the Identity Agent configuration page in MicroStrategy Identity Manager. When the Identity Agent successfully connects to your Azure AD instance, the status displays as Connected. Click Next.
  1. You may map the user information in Azure AD to the user information that is synchronized with MicroStrategy Identity. To do this, for each User Info value, select the Azure AD field that corresponds to that value by choosing the field from the Available Active Directory Attributes drop-down list, as follows:
    First Name: The Azure AD key used to store users' first names. Default: givenName.
    Last Name: The Azure AD key used to store users' last names. Default: sn.
    Full Name: The Azure AD key used to store users' full names. Default: cn.
    Title: The Azure AD key used to store users' job titles. Default: title.
    Email: The Azure AD key used to store users' email addresses. Default: mail.
    Email Groups: The Azure AD key used to store the email groups a user is a member of. Default: email_groups.
  2. You can also synchronize additional information from your Azure AD instance with MicroStrategy Identity. As another example, you can include information about each user that is displayed on the user's badge, as described in Displaying Additional User Information on a Badge. Do the following:
    1. Click Add. A row is added.
    2. From the User Info drop-down list, select a name for the user information that you want to synchronize with MicroStrategy Identity. You can also add a custom name. To do this, click Add New. Enter a name for the user information that you want to synchronize, then press Enter.
    3. From the Azure Active Directory Attributes drop-down list, select the Azure AD field that corresponds to the user information that you want to synchronize.
  3. Click Next.
  4. Select each group that you want to import into your MicroStrategy Identity Network. All users included in these groups will be added to your MicroStrategy Identity Network.
  5. After you have selected the groups to add, click Import and then click Yes.
  6. If you have not configured MicroStrategy Identity to automatically send badges when you import users (see Enabling badge invitations to be sent automatically), you must manually send badges to your users:
    1. Under User Management, click Manage Users.
    2. Open the Badge Invitation tab and select the check box next to each user who you want to send a badge to.
    3. Click Send Badge(s) via Email, then click Send on the confirmation message. Badge invitations are sent to the users listed, including links and instructions for users to download the MicroStrategy Badge app.