MicroStrategy ONE

Operations analysis

The Operations Analysis folder in Enterprise Manager contains the following analysis areas, each with its own reports:

Concurrency analysis (including user/session analysis)

This analysis area provides reports to analyze session and user concurrency on the system at different times. Administrators can measure the following:

  • The total number of users in the metadata

  • The total number of users who are logged in

  • The total number of user sessions that are open

  • The total number of user sessions that have active jobs

Reports in this analysis area use an attribute from the Time hierarchy as the primary attribute for analysis, and various metrics representing answers to administrator questions.

Report name


10. Concurrency by Hour of Day

Provides the number of concurrent active users and the number of concurrent sessions by hour of day. This report is prompted on time.

11. Daily Session Concurrency Analysis

Uses various metrics to analyze the concurrent active sessions over time. This report is prompted on time and on session duration.

12. Session Duration Analysis

Uses various metrics to analyze the duration of user sessions, over time. This report is prompted on time and on session duration.

13. Daily User Connection Concurrency Analysis

Uses various metrics to analyze the concurrency of user sessions, over time. This report is prompted on time and on session duration.

14. Minute Level User Concurrency During Peak Hours

Provides a minute-level graph for the active users and sessions during the peak hours of the day. This report is prompted on time.

14.1 Top n Maximum User Concurrency Hours - report as filter

Provides a list of the top N hours in terms of maximum user concurrency. This report is prompted on time, session duration, and number of hours to be returned.

Sample report: Daily Session Concurrency Analysis

This report uses various metrics to analyze the concurrent active sessions over time. The results summarize the load on and use of Intelligence Server. This report contains prompts on time and on the minimum and maximum duration of the sessions to be analyzed.

Usage scenario

Administrators can use this report to analyze the total number of sessions on the MicroStrategy system in any day. They can also see the average, minimum, and maximum number of sessions open at any minute in a day.

Report details

  • Drill path: The recommended drill path is along the Time hierarchy.

  • Other options: To restrict the scope of analysis to a specific MicroStrategy client such as Developer, you can add an additional filter or page-by on the Connection Source attribute using the appropriate client. Alternatively, you can add a filter or page-by on any attribute from the Session hierarchy (except the Session attribute itself).

Data load

This analysis area covers the historical data loads and how long they take. .

Report name


Data Load Durations - Complete (Last Week)

Lists all Enterprise Manager data loads that occurred in the past week and how long each took.

Data Load Durations - Project Wise (Last Week)

Lists all Enterprise Manager data loads that occurred in the past week and how long each took. The project name is included.

Sample report: Data Load Durations - Project Wise

This report provides a historical view of the data load process for each project being monitored. For each project, the start and end time of each data load is listed.

Usage scenario

Administrators can use this report to confirm that the statistics data is being loaded at the proper time and that the data load does not put an undue load on the server.

Report details

  • The projects are listed by project name.

  • The project with GUID 00000000000000000 represents fact migration from the statistics tables of the listed project.

Delivery processing analysis

This analysis area provides reports that analyze the Distribution Services subscription activity in your system.

Report name


111. Weekly Subscription Activity

Provides a comprehensive weekly summary of subscription activity.

112. Subscription Statistics

Provides subscription activity over a given time interval. This report is prompted on time.

113. User Subscription Statistics

Provides information for users on subscription execution over a given time interval. This report is prompted on time.

114. Top 10 Subscribed Documents

Provides insight into the documents that contribute to the top 10 percent of recipients; execution time; or number of subscriptions over a time interval. This report is prompted on time and on which subscription analysis metric to use.

115. Top 10 Subscribed Reports

Provides insight into the reports that contribute to the top 10 percent of recipients, execution time, or number of subscriptions over a time interval. This report is prompted on time and on which subscription analysis metric to use.

116. Top 10 Subscribed Contacts

Provides insight into the users that contribute to the top 10 percent of recipients, execution time, or number of subscriptions over a period. This report is prompted on time and on which subscription analysis metric to use.

117. Top 10 Longest Executing Subscriptions

Lists the top 10 percent of subscriptions that contribute to the execution times over a period. This report is prompted on time.

Inbox Message Analysis

This analysis area provides reports that analyze Inbox Message activity, including errors encountered while performing actions on Inbox Messages and the contribution of Inbox Message Jobs to the total number of jobs on Intelligence Server.

Report name


118. Inbox Message Action over Time

Provides information on the number of inbox messages, the number of actions performed on these messages, and how many of those actions resulted in errors. This report is prompted on time.

119. Number of Messages by User over Time

Provides insight into the users of inbox messages. This report looks at the number of messages for each user and the number of actions taken on these messages. This report is prompted on time.

120. Inbox Contributions to Job Counts

Analyzes the contribution of inbox message jobs to the total job count on Intelligence Server. This report is prompted on time.

121. Top 10 Users of Inbox Messages by Project

Provides the top 10 users of inbox messages by project. This report is prompted on time.

122. Top 10 Reports in Inbox Messages by Project

Lists the top reports by number of inbox messages. This report is prompted on time.

123. Top 10 Documents in Inbox Messages by Project

Lists the top documents by number of inbox messages. This report is prompted on time.

124. Unread Inbox Messages

Provides information on the activity of inbox messages that have not been read. This report is prompted on time.

125. Inactive Inbox Messages

This report looks at the inbox messages that have not had any actions performed in a set number of days. This report is prompted on a measuring metric and a number of days of inactivity.

Report processing analysis

A significant area of system analysis and monitoring involves tuning the server's governing and project configuration settings. Administrators can use the reports in this analysis area to determine the following:

  • Whether the time out setting for user sessions is appropriate. Analysis can help you configure the User Session Idle Time setting. (From Developer, right-click a project source and select Configure MicroStrategy Intelligence Server, expand Governing Rules, and select General.)

  • Whether caching should be enabled for prompted reports. Analysis can help you configure the Enable caching for prompted reports and documents setting. (In Developer, right-click the project name, select Project Configuration, expand Caching, expand Result Caches, and select Creation).

While insights into such questions usually involve gathering data from multiple reports spanning multiple analysis areas, the Enterprise Manager reports in the Report Processing Analysis area provide a targeted examination to assess server and project governing.

Report name


1. Weekly Summary - Activity Analysis

Provides a comprehensive weekly summary of project activity. This report is prompted on the projects to be summarized.

2. Report Execution Analysis Working Set

Analyzes report execution by time each job takes to execute. This report is prompted on time and on the projects to be analyzed.

3. Document Execution Analysis Working Set

Provides a comprehensive analysis of document execution by time the jobs take to execute. This report is prompted on time.

4. Report Error Analysis

Provides a comprehensive analysis of jobs that do not run to completion. This report is prompted on time.

4.1 Report Job Time Out Analysis

Provides information about which and how many report executions have exceeded the execution time out limit. This report is prompted on time.

4.2 Job Cancellation Trend

Provides the number of canceled and non-canceled jobs, over time. This report is prompted on time.

5. DB Result Rows by Report

Provides the number of jobs, the number of database result rows, and the average elapsed report execution duration, per report and project. This report is prompted on time.

5.1 Report Executions with no data returned

Lists the report jobs that return no data. This report is prompted on time and on type of report job.

5.2 Post-Report Execution Activity

Analyzes user activity after executing each report. This report is prompted on time and on type of report job.

6. Top 10 Longest Executing Reports

Provides the number of jobs and the average elapsed report execution duration for the 10 longest executing reports. This report is prompted on time.

7. Top 10 Longest Executing Documents

Provides the number of jobs and the average elapsed document execution duration for the 10 longest executing documents. This report is prompted on time.

10. Document Analysis based on Wait Time (End-to-End)

Provides average wait times for documents by project executed via MicroStrategy Mobile. This includes Intelligence Server time, device rendering time, network time and end-to-end wait time. This report is prompted on time.

11. Document Analysis based on Request Type (End-to-End)

Provides the number of times documents are executed via MicroStrategy Mobile by type of request, such as user request, report queue request, application recovery request, Back button request, and so on. This report is prompted on time.

Sample report: DB Result Rows by Report

This Enterprise Manager report can help you understand the effect on load and performance of those user reports that did not result in cache hits. This report prompts on time.

Usage scenarios

  • You can use this report to identify user reports that have high Average Elapsed Time (Average Elapsed Duration per Job) and are requested frequently (Total Report Requests). You can then consider a strategy to ensure that these user reports have a high cache hit ratio in the future.

  • Total Database Result Rows provides a good approximate measure of the size of report caches. This can give you insight into tuning report-related project settings. To make changes to the project settings, in Developer, right-click the project name, select Project Configuration, expand Caching, expand Result Caches, and select Creation (to specify whether and how caches are created), Storage (to specify cache memory usage), or Maintenance (to specify cache expiration, or to purge caches). For detailed information about these settings, click Help.

  • Total Database Result Rows also provides a measure of the data returned by the database to Intelligence Server for post-processing.

  • Average Execution Time provides a measure of time taken to execute a report on the warehouse data source.

Report details

Additional options: To restrict your analysis to a given computer, a connection source, a user session, and so on, add any attribute from the Session folder to this Enterprise Manager report. For example, to restrict analysis to Web reports, add the Connection Source attribute to the page-by axis. For detailed information about page-by, see the Basic Reporting Help.

Resource utilization analysis (including top consumers)

This analysis area provides reports to help you analyze how available resources are being used so you can determine optimization strategies. Available system hardware resources include various Intelligence Server machines, database servers, Web servers, and client machines. Enterprise Manager provides insight into Intelligence Server machine use and the nature of client-side activity.

Administrators can use the reports in this analysis area to measure the following:

  • How much time users spend in report execution queues

  • Load times to determine at what times peak loads occur

  • Which interfaces (Developer, Web, Mobile, and so on) users prefer

  • Web usage statistics

Reports in this analysis area prompt you to select a period to analyze and use various metrics representing answers to administrator requirements.

The Top Consumers folder contains shortcuts to reports elsewhere in Enterprise Manager. Together, these reports indicate what users and reports are top consumers of system resources.

Report name


30. Execution cycle breakdown

Provides a daily breakdown of the time taken by each of the four steps in the report execution cycle: queue, SQL generation, SQL execution, and Analytical Engine. This report is prompted on time.

30.2 Queue to Execution time ratios by Server Processing Unit

Breaks down queue time and execution time for each report job step. This report is prompted on time.

30.3 Effect of job prioritization on queue time

Lists information on the effects of job prioritization on the queue time, execution time, and elapsed duration of reports. You can use this to see if adjusting database threads—by changing their priority to high, medium, or low—would improve performance. This report is prompted on time.

31. Activity Analysis by Weekday/Hour Working Set

Lists the Intelligence Server number of report jobs by hour. This report is prompted on time.

32. Peak Time Periods

Lists the number of jobs and the average queue and execution durations per job by hour. This report is prompted on time.

33. Server Activity Analysis Summary

Lists the number of jobs and daily use of each Intelligence Server by connection source. This report is prompted on time.

33.1 Scheduled Report Load on Intelligence Server

Analyzes the duration and CPU usage of all scheduled jobs. This report is prompted on time.

33.2 Subscribed Report Load on Intelligence Server

Analyzes the duration and CPU usage of all Narrowcast Server subscription jobs. This report is prompted on time.

33.3.1 Web Access Trends

Analyzes the number of jobs run from MicroStrategy Web. This report is prompted on time.

33.3.2 Web and Non-Web Usage

Compares the server usage of Web and non-Web users. This report is prompted on time.

33.3.3 Web Usage Statistics

Provides the number of Web users, the average number of jobs per Web user, and the average report execution time per job for Web users. This report is prompted on time.

34. Intelligent Cube Usage Statistics

Provides comprehensive information about an Intelligent Cube's use. This report is prompted on time.

Top Consumers

43. Top 10 Database Tables

Lists the top 10 most accessed database tables per project, and how many jobs access those tables. This report is prompted on time.

6. Top 10 Longest Executing Reports

Provides the number of jobs and the average elapsed report execution duration for the 10 longest executing reports. This report is prompted on time.

62. Top 10 Reports

Analyzes the server load for the 10 most-executed reports. This report is prompted on time.

80. Top (n) users

Determines the top (n) users, using a metric you choose from a list. This report is prompted on time, a list of metrics, and the number of users.

91. Popular reports in a User's User Group

Lists the top (n) most-executed reports in a user's user group. This report is prompted on project list, user list, and the number of reports.

Sample report: Scheduled Report Load on Intelligence Server

This report provides a comprehensive analysis of the effect scheduled jobs have on the Intelligence Server machines in your system. This report contains a prompt on time.

Usage scenario

You can use this report to understand the daily effect of scheduled reports on each Intelligence Server machine. Effects can be measured with metrics such as the total server report jobs and the total time spent in Intelligence Server.

You can also use this report to study which user reports are executed as part of a schedule. By viewing which scheduled jobs have errors, you can quickly take appropriate action.

Report details

  • This report lists several attributes in the Report Objects window that are not in the report grid. With MicroStrategy OLAP Services, you can move these attributes from the Report Objects window to the report grid without re-executing the report. For detailed information about OLAP Services, see the Basic Reporting Help.

    • To know which users in your system have scheduled the most jobs, include the User attribute in this report.

    • To understand which schedules have been mapped to a report in a project, include the Report attribute in this report.

    • To find out which of your scheduled reports had errors, include the Error Indicator attribute in this report.