Mobile API Reference
MicroStrategy 2019
#import <MSISelector.h>
Instance Methods | |
(void) | - updateSubViewsTo: |
(void) | - setSelection: |
(void) | - updateSelectionDisplay: |
(void) | - layoutElements |
(void) | - changeAppearanceForTable |
(id) | - initWithStyle:AndIsMultiSelect: |
(void) | - addChildren: |
(void) | - loadProperties: |
(void) | - calcAndSetSelectedElements:selected: |
(void) | - setSelected:isSelected: |
(float) | - calcHeightIfFitSize |
(CGSize) | - calcPreferViewSize:fontName:includeTitle: |
(UIView *) | - getRootViewerContainer: |
(CGFloat) | - getMinHeightLimit |
(void) | - setUserInteractionEnabled: |
(void) | - cleanUpTemporaryUIElements |
(NSArray *) | - getSelectedIndexes |
(NSInteger) | - getSelectorItemCount |
(id< MSISelectorItemProtocol >) | - getSelectorItemAtIndex: |
(NSInteger) | - getPanelCount |
(NSInteger) | - getSelectedPanelIndex |
Protected Attributes | |
BOOL | mUseSelectorDataProxy |
SelectorDataProxy *__weak | mSelectorDataProxy |
id< MSISelectorDelegate, MSISelectorDelegateInternal > __weak | mSelectorDelegate |
UIView * | mParentView |
Commander *__weak | mpCommander |
NSString *__weak | attributeId |
MSIProjectInfo *__weak | project |
NSString *__weak | cubeId |
NSString *__weak | cubeInstanceId |
NSString *__weak | formId |
NSString *__weak | controlKey |
NSArray *__weak | selectedElements |
NSArray *__weak | selectorElements |
NSString *__weak | attributeName |
- (void) addChildren: | (UIView *) | iParentView |
- (void) calcAndSetSelectedElements: | (int) | iIndex | |
selected: | (std::set< int > &) | ioSelected | |
- (float) calcHeightIfFitSize |
- (CGSize) calcPreferViewSize: | (CGFloat) | iFontSize | |
fontName: | (const char *) | iFontName | |
includeTitle: | (BOOL) | iIncludeTitle | |
- (void) changeAppearanceForTable |
Add this API for table control
- (void) cleanUpTemporaryUIElements |
+ (MSISelector*) createSelectorWithStyle: | (EnumSelectorStyle) | iSelectorStyle | |
AndIsMultiSelect: | (BOOL) | iIsMultiSelect | |
AndOrientation: | (EnumSelectorOrientation) | iSelectorOrientation | |
AndFrame: | (CGRect) | iRect | |
AndParent: | (UIView *) | iParentView | |
+ (MSISelector*) createSelectorWithStyle: | (EnumSelectorStyle) | iSelectorStyle | |
AndIsMultiSelect: | (BOOL) | iIsMultiSelect | |
AndOrientation: | (EnumSelectorOrientation) | iSelectorOrientation | |
AndParent: | (UIView *) | iParentView | |
- (CGFloat) getMinHeightLimit |
- (NSInteger) getPanelCount |
This API is used to get total count of panels in its list. If the selector is attribute/metric, it will return -1.
- (UIView*) getRootViewerContainer: | (UIView *) | iView |
- (NSArray*) getSelectedIndexes |
This API is used to get the selected indexes of selector items, the return object is an array of NSNumber, like [0, 1, 2 ...]. If the selector is Metric/Panel selector, it will return nil. If the selector is search selector, it will return an empty array.
- (NSInteger) getSelectedPanelIndex |
This API is used to get the index of selected panel. If there is no selected panel, it will return 0. If the selector is attribute/metric, it will return -1.
- (id<MSISelectorItemProtocol>) getSelectorItemAtIndex: | (NSInteger) | iIndex |
This API is used to get the item at special index. If the selector is Metric/Panel selector, it will return nil. If the selector is attribute search selector, it will return nil.
iIndex | the index of item |
- (NSInteger) getSelectorItemCount |
This API is used to get the total count of items in side selector. If there is item "(All)" inside selector, it will be also include in this count. If the selector is Metirc/Panel selector, it will return -1.
- (id) initWithStyle: | (EnumSelectorStyle) | iSelectorStyle | |
AndIsMultiSelect: | (BOOL) | iIsMultiSelect | |
+ (BOOL) isMetricSupportedMax: | (const CComVariant *) | _max | |
andMin: | (const CComVariant *) | min | |
andCount: | (const CComVariant *) | count | |
withStyle: | (EnumSelectorStyle) | style | |
- (void) layoutElements |
The method is called when rotation happens. It is to adjust all its subviews when ratation happens.
- (void) loadProperties: | (DSSFormat *) | ipFormat |
- (void) setSelected: | (int) | iIndex | |
isSelected: | (BOOL) | iIsSelected | |
- (void) setSelection: | (int) | iSelectedIndex |
The method is to switch the selection. It will highlight the newly selected element, dehighlight the old one, etc.
iSelectedIndex | Specifies the index of the element to be selected. |
- (void) setUserInteractionEnabled: | (BOOL) | userInteractionEnabled |
+ (UIColor*) textTintColor |
Get the text tint color for iOS 7 through DocumentThemeHelper.
- (void) updateSelectionDisplay: | (const std::set< int > &) | iSelectedItems |
The method is to update the selector viewer display accrording to the input. The common scenario is when multiple selectors are have the same targets, if one of them switches, the others need to get updated.
iSelectedItems | Specifies the selected items. |
- (void) updateSubViewsTo: | (UIView *) | iParentView |
The method first clears all the sub views in iParentView, then generate the selector viewer's content, maybe several sub UIViews, and add them to iParentView as its subviews.
iParentView | Specifies the parent view of all the views generated in the method. |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
protected |
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readwritenonatomicstrong |
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readwritenonatomicweak |
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readwritenonatomicstrong |
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readwritenonatomicassign |