Mobile API Reference  MicroStrategy 2019
MSICredentialsManager Class Reference

#import <MSICredentialsManager.h>

Inheritance diagram for MSICredentialsManager:

Class Methods

(void) + setDefaultServerCredentialsWithUsername:password:
(void) + setServerCredentials:username:password:
(void) + setDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer:username:password:project:
(void) + setDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer:username:password:customParameters:project:
(void) + setProjectCredentials:username:password:customParameters:
(void) + setProjectCredentials:username:password:
(void) + deleteDefaultServerCredentials
(void) + deleteServerCredentials:
(void) + deleteAllServerCredentials
(void) + deleteDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer:
(void) + deleteProjectCredentials:
(void) + deleteAllProjectCredentialsForWebServer:
(void) + deleteAllProjectCredentials
(void) + deleteAllCredentials
(WebServerCredentials *) + credentialsForServer:

Method Documentation

◆ credentialsForServer:()

+ (WebServerCredentials *) credentialsForServer: (WebServerConfiguration *)  webServer

Return the credentials for mobile server.

the credentials for the mobile server

◆ deleteAllCredentials()

+ (void) deleteAllCredentials

Delete all credentials, including all mobile server authentications and project authentications

serverthe mobile server

◆ deleteAllProjectCredentials()

+ (void) deleteAllProjectCredentials

Delete credentials for all project authentications of all mobile servers, including project default authentication

serverthe mobile server

◆ deleteAllProjectCredentialsForWebServer:()

+ (void) deleteAllProjectCredentialsForWebServer: (WebServerInfo *)  server

Delete credentials for all project authentications of a mobile server, including project default authentication

serverthe mobile server

◆ deleteAllServerCredentials()

+ (void) deleteAllServerCredentials

Delete credentials for all mobile server authentications, including mobile server default authentication

◆ deleteDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer:()

+ (void) deleteDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer: (WebServerInfo *)  server

Delete the credentials for project default authentication of a mobile server

serverthe mobile server

◆ deleteDefaultServerCredentials()

+ (void) deleteDefaultServerCredentials

Delete the credentials for mobile server default authentication

◆ deleteProjectCredentials:()

+ (void) deleteProjectCredentials: (MSIProjectInfo *)  project

Delete the credentials for a project authentication

projectthe project

◆ deleteServerCredentials:()

+ (void) deleteServerCredentials: (WebServerInfo *)  server

Delete the credentials for a mobile server authentication

serverthe mobile server

◆ setDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer:username:password:customParameters:project:()

+ (void) setDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer: (WebServerInfo *)  server
username: (NSString *)  username
password: (NSString *)  password
customParameters: (NSDictionary *)  parameters
project: (MSIProjectInfo *)  project 

Set the credentials for project default authentication of a mobile server

serverthe mobile server
usernameset the login username
passwordset the password
parametersset the custom parameters
projectset the project, this parameter is mainly used for cleaning caches

◆ setDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer:username:password:project:()

+ (void) setDefaultProjectCredentialsForWebServer: (WebServerInfo *)  server
username: (NSString *)  username
password: (NSString *)  password
project: (MSIProjectInfo *)  project 

Set the credentials for project default authentication of a mobile server

serverthe mobile server
usernameset the login username
passwordset the password
projectset the project, this parameter is mainly used for cleaning caches

◆ setDefaultServerCredentialsWithUsername:password:()

+ (void) setDefaultServerCredentialsWithUsername: (NSString *)  username
password: (NSString *)  password 

Set the credentials for mobile server default authentication

usernameset the login username
passwordset the password

◆ setProjectCredentials:username:password:()

+ (void) setProjectCredentials: (MSIProjectInfo *)  project
username: (NSString *)  username
password: (NSString *)  password 

Set the credentials for a project authentication

projectthe project
usernameset the login username
passwordset the password

◆ setProjectCredentials:username:password:customParameters:()

+ (void) setProjectCredentials: (MSIProjectInfo *)  project
username: (NSString *)  username
password: (NSString *)  password
customParameters: (NSDictionary *)  parameters 

Set the credentials for a project authentication

projectthe project
usernameset the login username
passwordset the password
parametersset the custom parameters

◆ setServerCredentials:username:password:()

+ (void) setServerCredentials: (WebServerInfo *)  server
username: (NSString *)  username
password: (NSString *)  password 

Set the credentials for a mobile server authentication

serverthe mobile server
usernameset the login username
passwordset the password