MicroStrategy ONE

List User Properties statement

Lists the current properties of a user.

LIST [ALL] PROPERTIESFOR (USER "login_name"| USERS IN GROUP "user_group_name");


  • USER "login_name" is the login name of the user for whom properties are listed, of type string.

  • USERS IN GROUP "user_group_name" is the name of the group for which the properties for each user within this group are listed, of type string.


 Tutorial Managers";

ResultSet Columns

ALLOW_CHANGE_PASSWORD: Whether or not the user's password can be changed, returned as a boolean value.

ALLOW_STANDARD_AUTHENTICATION: Whether or not standard authentication is allowed for the user, returned as a boolean value.

CHANGE_PASSWORD: Whether or not the user's password must be changed, returned as a boolean value.

CREATION_TIME: The date and time the user was created, returned as a date/string.

DESCRIPTION: The long description of the user, returned as a string.

DS_ADDRESSES_RESULTSET: A ResultSet containing a list of Distribution Services addresses configured for the user.

  • DS_ADDRESS_DEVICE: The Distribution Services device used by the address, returned as a string.

  • DS_ADDRESS_NAME: The name of the address, returned as a string.

  • DS_ADDRESS_PHYSICAL: The physical address corresponding to the address, returned as a string.

  • DS_ADDRESS_TYPE: The type of address, such as email, file, or print, returned as a string.

ENABLED: Whether or not the user is enabled, returned as a boolean value.

FULL_NAME: The full name of the user, returned as a string.

ID: The object ID of the user, returned as a string.

LDAP_LINK: The LDAP link associated with the user, returned as a string.

LOGIN: The user login, returned as a string.

LONG_DESCRIPTION: The long description of the user, returned as a string.

MODIFICATION_TIME: The date and time the user was last modified, returned as a date/string.

NT_LINK: The NT link associated with the user, returned as a string.

PASSWORD_EXPIRATION: The date the user password expires, returned as a string.

PASSWORD_EXPIRATION_FREQUENCY: The frequency with which the user's password expires, returned as an integer/string.

TRUSTED_LOGIN: Whether the user is a trusted login, returned as a string.

USER_GROUP_RESULTSET: A ResultSet containing a list of user groups to which the user belongs.

  • USER_GROUP: The name of the user group, returned as a string.

WAREHOUSE_LINK: The warehouse link associated with the user, returned as a string.