MicroStrategy ONE

Create User statement

Creates a new user.

If you are using the NTLINK parameter, you must execute this statement in a Windows environment. The NTLINK parameter does not function in a UNIX or Linux environment.

CREATE USER (IMPORTWINUSER "nt_user_id" | "login_name") [FULLNAME "user_full_name"] [DESCRIPTION 
 [LONGDESCRIPTION "long_description"] 
 [NTLINK "nt_user_id" 
 | NTSID "windows_user_ntsid"] 
 [PASSWORD "user_password"] 
 [LDAPLINK "LDAP_user_name"] 
 [TRUSTEDLOGIN "trusted_authenticated_id"] 
 [WHLINK "warehouse_login"] 
 [WHPASSWORD "warehouse_password"] 
 (TRUE | FALSE)] [PASSWORDEXP (NEVER | (IN number_of_days 
 DAYS | ON expiration_date))] 
 [PASSWORDEXPFREQ number_of_days 
 DAYS] [(ENABLED | DISABLED)] [IN GROUP "user_group_name"];


  • IMPORTWINUSER "nt_user_id" is the Windows user name ID to be linked to the new user, of type string, with format \DOMAIN\username.

  • "login_name" is the login name of the new user, of type string.

  • FULLNAME "user_full_name" is the full name of the new user, of type string.

  • DESCRIPTION "user_description" is the description of the new user, of type string.

  • NTLINK "nt_user_id" is the Windows user name ID to be linked to the new user, of type string, with format \DOMAIN\username.

  • NTSID "windows_user_ntsid" is the NTSID for the new user, of type string.

  • LONGDESCRIPTION "long_description" is the long description of the new user, of type string.

  • PASSWORD "user_password" is the password for the new user, of type string.

  • TRUSTEDLOGIN "trusted_authenticated_id" is the trusted authentication login to be linked to the new user, of type string.

  • WHLINK "warehouse_login" is the warehouse login (WH passthrough) to be linked to the new user, of type string.

  • WHPASSWORD "warehouse_password" is the warehouse password (WH passthrough) to be used for the warehouse login, of type string.

  • ALLOWSTDAUTH indicates whether to allow standard MicroStrategy authentication for the user.

  • ALLOWCHANGEPWD indicates whether the user is allowed to change her password.

  • CHANGEPWD indicates whether the user must change her password the next time she logs on.

  • PASSWORDEXP indicates how often the user's password expires:

    • NEVER indicates that the password does not expire.

    • number_of_days DAYS is the number of days that should pass before the new user's password expires, of type integer.

    • expiration_date is the date on which the new user's password expires, in the mm/dd/yyyy format.

  • PASSWORDEXPFREQ number_of_days DAYS is the number of days that pass every cycle before the new user's password expires, of type integer.

  • LDAPLINK "LDAP_user_name" is the LDAP user to be linked to the new user, of type string.

  • ENABLED | DISABLED indicate whether the user is enabled or disabled in the MicroStrategy system.

  • GROUP "user_group_name" is the name of a user group to which the new user is to belong (be a member of), of type string.

