MicroStrategy ONE

List Table Properties statement

List all the properties of a logical table within a project.

LIST [ALL] PROPERTIES FOR TABLE "table_name"FOR PROJECT "project_name";


  • TABLE "table_name" is the name of the logical table to be listed, of type string.

  • PROJECT "project_name" is the name of the project, of type string.

This statement can only be executed in a Windows environment.


 FOR PROJECT "MicroStrategy Tutorial";

ResultSet Columns

CREATION_TIME: The date and time the table was created, returned as a date/string.

DESCRIPTION: The description of the table, returned as a string.

HIDDEN: Whether or not the table is hidden, returned as a boolean value.

ID: The object ID of the table, returned as a string.

LONG_DESCRIPTION: The long description of the table, returned as a string.

MODIFICATION_TIME: The date and time the table was last modified, returned as a date/string.

NAME: The name of the table, returned as a string.

OWNER: The owner of the table, returned as a string.

TABLE_LOGICAL_VIEW: A ResultSet containing information about the logical view of the table, such as a list of attributes and facts.

TABLE_PHYSICAL_VIEW: A ResultSet containing a list of table columns and data types.

WAREHOUSE_TABLE_NAME: The name of the warehouse table, returned as a string.