MicroStrategy ONE

Run Search statement

Runs a search object and lists the results.

RUN SEARCH "search_name" IN FOLDER "location_path" FOR PROJECT "project_name";


  • search_name is the name of the search object to be run

  • location_path is the path to the search object

  • project_name is the project containing the search object


RUN SEARCH "Search for all objects of type Metric" IN FOLDER "\Public Objects\Searches" FOR PROJECT "MicroStrategy Tutorial";

ResultSet Columns

Name: The name of the object returned by the search, returned as a string.

Type: The object type of the object returned by the search, returned as a string.

ID: The ID of the object returned by the search, returned as a string.

Folder: The folder location of the object returned by the search, returned as a string.

Description: The description of the object returned by the search, returned as a string.

Creation Time: The date and time the object returned by the search was created, returned as a date/string.

Modification Time: The date and time the object returned by the search was last modified, returned as a date/string.

Hidden: Whether or not the object returned by the search is hidden, returned as a boolean value.