MicroStrategy ONE

Alter Report statement

Modifies the properties for a report in a given project.

ALTER REPORT (report_name IN FOLDERlocation_path | GUID report_guid) [ENABLECACHE (TRUE | FALSE | DEFAULT)] [NAMEnew_report_name] [DESCRIPTIONnew_desc] [LONGDESCRIPTIONnew_long_description] [FOLDERnew_location_path] [HIDDEN (TRUE | FALSE)] [(ALLSCHEDULES | NONSCHEDULABLE | SCHEDULES schedule1 [ .. scheduleN])] FOR PROJECTproject_name;


  • report_name is the name of the report for which properties are to be modified, of type string, between double quotes (").

  • location_path is the folder where the report object is located, of type string, between double quotes (").

  • report_guid is the GUID of the report for which properties are to be modified.

  • new_report_name is the new name of the report, of type string, between double quotes (").

  • new_desc is the new description of the report, of type string, between double quotes (").

  • new_long_description is the new long description of the report, of type string, between double quotes (").

  • new_location_path is the new location of the report, of type string, between double quotes (").

  • schedule1..N are the schedules that the report can be subscribed to, of type string, between double quotes (" ").

  • project_name is the name of the project where the report is located, of type string, between double quotes (").


ALTER REPORT 'Profit Forecast' IN FOLDER '\Public 
 Objects\Reports\Financial Reports' ENABLECACHE TRUE FOR PROJECT 'MicroStrategy 
ALTER REPORT 'Profit Forecast' IN FOLDER '\Public 
 Objects\Reports\Financial Reports' NAME "Copy of Profit Forecast" 
 DESCRIPTION "This report contains the profit forecast for the year 
 2004" ENABLECACHE TRUE FOR PROJECT 'MicroStrategy Tutorial';
ALTER REPORT 'Profit Forecast' IN FOLDER '\Public 
 Objects\Reports\Financial Reports' HIDDEN TRUE FOR PROJECT 'MicroStrategy 
ALTER REPORT 'Profit Forecast' IN FOLDER '\Public 
 Objects\Reports\Financial Reports' LONGDESCRIPTION "Profit forecast 
 report" FOR PROJECT 'MicroStrategy Tutorial';