MicroStrategy ONE
List Project Configuration Properties statement
Lists the project configuration properties for a registered/loaded project in an Intelligence Server.
PROJECT "project_name" is the project for which the project configuration properties will be listed, of type string.
ResultSet Columns
ADVANCED_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing advanced project configuration properties.
CUSTOMPROMPTSTYLE_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing custom prompt style properties.
CUSTOMPROMPTSTYLE_BASE_STYLE: The base prompt style for the custom prompt style, returned as a string.
CUSTOMPROMPTSTYLE_DESCRIPTION: A description of the custom prompt style, returned as a string.
CUSTOMPROMPTSTYLE_NAME: The name of the custom prompt style, returned as a string.
CUSTOMPROMPTSTYLE_TYPE: The type of prompt that this custom prompt style applies to, returned as a string.
DISPLAY_ATTRIBUTE_HIERARCHY_PROMPT: Whether or not attributes are displayed alphabetically in a hierarchy prompt, returned as a boolean value.
DOCDIRECTORY: The directory for HTML documents, returned as a string.
ENABLEPERSONALANSWERS: Whether or not personal prompt answers are enabled for this project, returned as a boolean value.
ENABLEOBJECTDELETION: Whether or not the deleting of object dependencies is enabled, returned as a boolean value.
MAXNOATTRELEMS: The maximum number of elements that can be displayed, returned as an integer.
CACHING_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing caching properties.
CACHEENCRYPTION: The level of cache encryption, returned as an integer:
1: Low
2: High
All other values: None
DISABLEAUTOMATICEXPIRATIONDYNAMICDATES: Whether to disable the automatic expiration of caches for reports that contain dynamic dates, returned as a boolean value.
DISABLECREATINGMATCHINGCACHES: Whether to disable the creation of matching caches by subscriptions, returned as a boolean value.
KEEPDOCUMENTFORMANIPULATION: Whether to cache document manipulation information, returned as a boolean value.
RERUNEMAILSUBSCRIPTIONS: Whether to force email, file, and print subscriptions to execute against the warehouse, returned as a boolean value.
RERUNMOBILESUBSCRIPTIONS: Whether to force History List and mobile subscriptions to execute against the warehouse, returned as a boolean value.
CREATE_USER_PROFILE_AT_LOGIN: Whether or not a user profile is created at first login, returned as a boolean value.
DATABASE_INSTANCE_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing database instance-related project configuration properties.
DB_INSTANCE: The name of the database instance associated with the project, returned as a string.
DEFAULT_DATAMART: The default datamart for the database instance, returned as a string.
USEWHLOGINEXEC: Whether or not to use credentials stored for a MicroStrategy user account when accessing a data source, returned as a boolean value.
DELIVERIES_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing information about delivery-related project configuration properties.
APPENDEMAILFOOTER: Whether to append a footer to email subscriptions, returned as a boolean value.
DELIVERSUBSCRIPTIONWITHNODATA: Whether to deliver a subscription to a report that returns no data, returned as a boolean value.
DELIVERSUBSCRIPTIONWITHPARTIALRESULTS: Whether to deliver a subscription to a report that returns only partial data, returned as a boolean value.
EMAILFOOTERTEXT: Text of the email footer, returned as a string.
ENABLEPRINTINGRANGE: Whether to enable the print range for PDFs, returned as a boolean value.
DESCRIPTION: The description of the project, returned as a string.
DOCUMENTS_AND_REPORTS_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing document and report-related project configuration settings.
ENABLES_LINKS_FLASH: Whether links in exported Flash documents are enabled, returned as a boolean value.
REPORT_DETAILS_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing report details-related project configuration settings.
BASETEMPLATE: Whether the base template is displayed in the Report Details pane, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Automatic
CONDITIONALITYFILTERDETAILS: Whether conditionality filter details are displayed in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
DIMENSIONALITYFILTERDETAILS: Whether dimensionality filter details are displayed in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
DISPLAYOPERATORS: Whether to display names or symbols for operators, returned as an integer:
0: Symbols
1: Names
DRILLFILTER: Whether to display the drill filter, returned as a boolean value.
DYNAMICDATE: Whether dynamic dates are displayed as the expression, the date, or a default display, returned as an integer:
0: Show date
1: Show expressions
EXPANDSHORCUTFILTERS: Whether to expand the shortcut filter details, returned as an integer:
0: Show name
1: Show definition
2: Show name and definition
FILTERDETAILS: Whether filter details are displayed in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
FORMULAFILTERDETAILS: Whether metric formula details are displayed in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
INCLUDEATTRFORMINCONDITION: Whether to include attribute form names in filter qualification conditions, returned as a boolean value.
INCLUDEFILTERTYPE: Whether to display the filter type, returned as a boolean value.
INCLUDEPROMPTTITLE: Whether to include the titles of prompts in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
INCLUDEUNUSEDPROMPTS: Whether to display unused prompts in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
LINESPACING: Whether the new line between conditions is single-spaced or double-spaced, returned as a string.
LOGICALOPBETWEENCONDITIONS: The logical operator to display between filter conditions, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: And
3: Or
METRICQUALIFICATIONVIEWFILTER: Whether to display the view filter's metric qualifications, returned as a boolean value.
METRICS: Whether to display details about metrics and enable metric display options, returned as a boolean value.
NEWLINEAFTERATTRNAME: Whether to include a new line after each attribute name and before the elements, returned as a boolean value.
NEWLINEAFTERTYPENAME: Whether to include a new line after each filter type name and before the filter definition, returned as a boolean value.
NEWLINEBETWEENCONDITIONS: Whether to include a new line between filter conditions, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Automatic
NEWLINEBETWEENELEMENTS: Whether to include a new line between attribute elements, returned as a boolean value.
NEWLINEBETWEENFILTER: Whether to include a new line between filter types, returned as a boolean value.
NONMETRICTEMPLATEUNITS: Whether to display definitions and expressions for template objects other than metrics, returned as a boolean value.
ONLYCONDITIONAL: Whether to display a metric's conditionality, returned as a boolean value.
PARENTHESESAROUNDCONDITIONS: Whether to enclose conditions in parentheses, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Automatic
PROMPTDETAILS: Whether to display the prompt details, returned as a boolean value.
REPLACEUNANSWEREDPROMPT: The string to display for unanswered prompts, returned as a string/integer:
0: Blank
1: Prompt not answered
2: No selection
3: All none
REPORTDESCRIPTION: Whether to display the report description in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
REPORTFILTER: Whether to display report filter information, returned as a boolean value.
REPORTFILTERDESC: Whether to display the report filter description, returned as a boolean value.
REPORTFILTERNAME: Whether to display the report filter name, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Automatic
REPORTLIMITS: Whether to display report limits, returned as a boolean value.
SECURITYFILTER: Whether to display the security filter, returned as a boolean value.
SEPARATORAFTERATTRNAME: A character that separates the attribute from the attribute element, returned as a string.
SEPARATORBETWEENLASTTWOELEMENTS: The text that separates the last two attribute elements in a list, returned as an integer:
0: Custom
1: Or
2: And
3: Comma
SEPARATORBETWEENLASTTWOELEMENTSCUSTOM: A custom separator between the last two attribute elements in a list, returned as a string.
SHOWATTRIBUTEINLISTCONDITIONS: Whether to display IN (LIST) conditions in filters, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Repeated
SHOWATTRIBUTENAMEINPROMPT: Whether to show the attribute names for element prompts, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Repeated
SHOWEMPTYEXPRESSION: Whether to display empty expressions in a filter, returned as a boolean value.
SHOWREPORTLIMITS: Whether and where to display report limit details, returned as an integer:
1: Before view filter
2: After view filter
TEMPLATEDESCRIPTION: Whether to show the template's description, returned as a boolean value.
TEMPLATEDETAILS: Whether template details are displayed in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
TRANSFORMATIONFILTERDETAILS: Whether to display that a metric has a transformation applied to it, returned as a boolean value.
TRIMELEMENTS: Whether to delete spaces in attribute element names, returned as a boolean value.
UNITSFROM: Whether to display details for all objects on the report or only those that are displayed, returned as an integer:
1: Base
2: View
USEALIASESINFILTERSDETAILS: Whether to display aliases rather than object names in filter details, returned as a boolean value.
USEDELIMITERSINREPORTOBJECTS: Whether and how to display delimiters in report objects, returned as an integer:
0: No
1: Yes
2: Automatic
VIEWFILTER: Whether to display the view filter in the Report Details pane, returned as a boolean value.
WATERMARK_RESULT_SET: A Result Set containing watermark-related project configuration settings.
WATERMARK_AUTO_FONT: Whether to size the watermark's font automatically, returned as a boolean value.
WATERMARK_DOCUMENT_CAN_OVERWRITE: Whether individual documents can overwrite the watermark, returned as a boolean value.
WATERMARK_IMAGE_SCALE: The percentage to scale the watermark image to, returned as an integer. -1 indicates Automatic scaling.
WATERMARK_IMAGE_SOURCE: The path and file name for the source of the watermark image, returned as a string.
WATERMARK_TEXT: The text of the watermark, returned as a string.
WATERMARK_TEXT_ORIENTATION: The orientation of the watermark, returned as an integer:
0: Diagonal
1: Horizontal
WATERMARK_TEXT_WASHOUT: Whether the text of the watermark is faded, returned as a boolean value.
WATERMARK_TYPE: The type of watermark, returned as an integer:
1: No watermark
2: Text watermark
3: Image watermark
WEBSERVER_MACRO: The text expanded for the WEBSERVER macro, returned as a string.
DRILLING_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing configuration properties related to drilling.
DRILLING: The name of the drill map, such as "ProjectDrill Map. Returned as a string.
DRILL_PERSONALIZED_PATH: Whether or not Web personalized drill paths are enabled, returned as a boolean value.
DRILL_SORT_OPTION: Whether or not to sort drilling options in ascending alphabetical order, returned as a boolean value.
DRILL_TO_IMMEDIATE: Whether or not drilling to immediate children or parents is enabled, returned as a boolean value.
EXPORT_SETTING_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing export-related project configuration properties.
EXPORTCOMPATIBILITYMODE: Whether to export to Word or Excel in 8.1 compatibility mode, returned as a boolean value.
EXPORTFLASHFORMAT: The file format to export to Flash, returned as an integer:
0: MHT
1: PDF
EXPORT_FOOTER: The export footer associated with the project, returned as a string.
EXPORT_HEADER: The export header associated with the project, returned as a string.
MERGEHEADERS: Whether to merge and duplicate headers when exporting to Word or Excel, returned as a boolean value.
GOVERNING_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing project configuration governing settings, such as the maximum number of user sessions allowed per project.
INTERACTIVEJOBPERPROJECT: The maximum number of interactive jobs permitted in this project, returned as a boolean value.
MAXCACHEUPDATESUBSCRIPTIONS: The maximum number of cache update subscriptions, returned as an integer.
MAXEMAILSUBSCRIPTIONS: The maximum number of email subscriptions, returned as an integer.
MAXEXECJOBSUSER: The maximum number of executing jobs per user, returned as an integer.
MAXFILESUBSCRIPTIONS: The maximum number of file subscriptions, returned as an integer.
MAXHISTLISTSUBSCRIPTIONS: The maximum number of history list subscriptions, returned as an integer.
MAXJOBSPROJECT: The maximum number of jobs per project, returned as an integer.
MAXJOBSUSERACCT: The maximum number of jobs per user account, returned as an integer.
MAXJOBSUSERSESSION: The maximum number of jobs per user session, returned as an integer.
MAXMOBILESUBSCRIPTIONS: The maximum number of mobile subscriptions, returned as an integer.
MAXNOELEMROWS: The maximum number of element rows, returned as an integer.
MAXNOINTRESULTROWS: The maximum number of intermediate result rows, returned as an integer.
MAXNOREPORTRESULTROWS: The maximum number of result rows in a report, returned as an integer.
MAXPRINTSUBSCRIPTIONS: The maximum number of print subscriptions, returned as an integer.
MAXREPORTEXECTIME: The maximum amount of time allowed for report execution, returned as an integer.
MAXSCHEDULEREPORTEXECTIME: The maximum amount of time allowed for scheduled report execution, returned as an integer.
MAXUSERSESSIONSPROJECT: The maximum number of user sessions per project, returned as an integer.
MAX_FILE_SIZE_IMPORT: The maximum size, in kilobytes, for a file to be imported for use as a data source, returned as an integer.
MAX_INTERACTIVE_SESSIONS_PER_USER: The maximum number of interactive user sessions per user, returned as an integer.
MAX_NO_DATA_MART_RESULTS_ROW: The maximum number of result rows in a datamart, returned as an integer.
MAX_NO_INTELLIGENT_CUBE_RESULT_ROW: The maximum number of result rows in an Intelligent Cube, returned as an integer.
MAX_QUOTA_IMPORT: The maximum size, in kilobytes, of all data import cubes for each individual user, returned as an integer.
SQLGENERATIONMEMORY: The maximum amount of memory, in megabytes, used for SQL generating, returned as an integer.
WAITTIMEFORPROMPTANSWERS: The maximum amount of time to wait for prompt answers, in seconds, returned as an integer.
WAREHOUSEEXECUTIONTIME: The maximum amount of time for a job to run against the warehouse, in seconds, returned as an integer.
INTELLIGENT_CUBES_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing project configuration settings relating to Intelligent Cubes.
CREATECUBESBYDATABASECONNECTION: Whether Intelligent Cubes use and support connection mapping, returned as a boolean value.
INTELLIGENT_CUBE_FILE_DIR: The path to the disk storage of unloaded Intelligent Cubes, returned as a string.
INTELLIGENT_CUBE_MAX_NO: The maximum number of Intelligent Cubes allowed in the project, returned as an integer.
INTELLIGENT_CUBE_MAX_RAM: The maximum size in memory of all Intelligent Cubes allowed in the project, returned as an integer.
LOADCUBESONPUBLICATION: Whether to load Intelligent Cubes into Intelligence Server memory when they are published, returned as a boolean value.
LOADCUBESONSTARTUP: Whether to load all published Intelligent Cubes into Intelligence Server memory when Intelligence Server is started, returned as a boolean value.
OBJECT_TEMPLATE_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing project configuration properties relating to the default templates for new documents, reports, etc.
DOCUMENTSHOWEMPTYTPL: Whether or not to use a template when a new document is created, returned as a boolean value.
DOCUMENTTPL: The name of the template presented to users when a new document is created, returned as a string.
METRICSHOWEMPTYTPL: Whether or not to use a template when a new metric is created, returned as a boolean value.
METRICTPL: The name of the template presented to users when a new metric is created, returned as a string.
REPORTSHOWEMPTYTPL: Whether or not to use a template when a new report is created, returned as a boolean value.
REPORTTPL: The name of the template presented to users when a new report is created, returned as a string.
TEMPLATESHOWEMPTYTPL: Whether or not to use a template when a new template is created, returned as a boolean value.
TEMPLATETPL: The name of the template presented to users when a new template is created, returned as a string.
USEDOCWIZARD: Whether to use the Document Creation Wizard for new documents, returned as a boolean.
PDF_SETTINGS_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing information about the PDF headers and footers.
PDFFOOTERCENTER: The center footer of the PDF export, returned as a string.
PDFFOOTERLEFT: The left footer of the PDF export, returned as a string.
PDFFOOTERRIGHT: The right footer of the PDF export, returned as a string.
PDFHEADERCENTER: The center header of the PDF export, returned as a string.
PDFHEADERLEFT: The left header of the PDF export, returned as a string.
PDFHEADERRIGHT: The right header of the PDF export, returned as a string.
PROJECT: The name of the project, returned as a string.
PROJECT_ACCESS_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing project configuration properties relating to project access groups.
MEMBER_RESULTSET: A ResultSet containing a list of project access group members.
IS_GROUP: Whether or not the member is a group, returned as a boolean value.
USER: The name of the user, returned as a string.
SECURITY_ROLE: The security role associated with the project access group.
PROJECT_STATUS_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing project status-related configuration properties.
PROJECT_STATUS: The status of the project, returned as a string.
SHOW_STATUS: Whether or not the project status is visible on the project's Home page, returned as a boolean value.
STATUSONTOP: Whether or not the status is shown at the top of the project's Home page, returned as a boolean value.
REPORT_DEFINITION_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing report definition-related project configuration properties.
ADVANCE_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing advanced report definition-related project configuration properties.
DISPLAYEMPTYMESSAGEINDOCUMENT: Whether to display the empty report message in document grids, returned as a boolean value.
EMPTYREPORTMESSAGE: The message to display when a report returns no data, returned as a string.
KEEPPAGEBYWHENSAVING: Whether to retain page-by selections when saving a report, returned as a boolean value.
MOVESORTKEYSWITHPIVOT: Whether to move the sort keys with the pivoting unit when pivoting, returned as a boolean value.
OVERWRITEWITHOLAPREPORTS: Whether to overwrite older reports with version 9.0 OLAP Services reports, returned as an integer:
0: Allow
1: Allow with warning
2: Prevent
GRAPH_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing graphing report definition-related project configuration properties.
CHARACTERSET: If the graph template font is overridden, the character set to be used, returned as a string.
FONT: If the graph template font is overridden, the font to be used, returned as a string.
GRAPHROUNDEDEFFECT: Defines how rounded effects are applied to graph reports, returned as an integer:
1: Standard
2: Optimize
All other values: None
OVERRIDEGRAPHTEMPLATEFONT: Whether to override the font used in the graph template, returned as a boolean value.
USEZEROFORGRAPHNULL: Whether to use zero instead of null values in graphs, returned as a boolean value.
NULL_VALUES_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing null-value report definition-related project configuration properties.
MISSINGDISPLAY:The value displayed when a report references an unavailable object , returned as a string.
NOTCALCULATEDDISPLAY: The value displayed when a metric value cannot be calculated at the desired level, returned as a string.
NULLDISPLAYCROSSTABULATOR: The value displayed for a null that results from a cross-tab, returned as a string.
NULLDISPLAYWAREHOUSE: The value displayed for a null that results from a warehouse null, returned as a string.
REPLACENULLWHENSORTED: Whether to sort nulls to the bottom of the data, returned as a boolean value
REPLACENULLWHENSORTEDVALUE: The value by which to sort nulls, returned as a string.
SQL_GENERATION_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing SQL generation report definition-related project configuration properties.
ATTRDESCSTRING: Text for the Description column for attributes, returned as a string.
ATTRFIRSTLETTERUPPERCASE: Whether the first letter of attribute names is upper-case, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRIDSTRING: Text for the ID column for attributes, returned as a string.
ATTRLOOKUPSTRING: Text for the Lookup column for attributes, returned as a string.
ATTRREMOVEID: Whether to remove ID from attribute names, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRREPLACEUNDERSCORE: Whether to replace underscores in attribute names, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRSHOWBIGDECIMAL: Whether Big Decimal columns are available for the attribute ID, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRSHOWBINARY: Whether Binary columns are available for the attribute ID, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRSHOWCHARACTER: Whether Character columns are available for the attribute ID, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRSHOWDATE: Whether Date columns are available for the attribute ID, returned as a boolean value.
ATTRSHOWNUMERIC: Whether Numeric columns are available for the attribute ID, returned as a boolean value.
FACTFIRSTLETTERUPPERCASE: Whether the first letter of fact names is upper-case, returned as a boolean value.
FACTREPLACEUNDERSCORE: Whether to replace underscores in fact names, returned as a boolean value.
FACTSHOWBIGDECIMAL: Whether Big Decimal columns are available for the fact ID, returned as a boolean value.
FACTSHOWBINARY: Whether Binary columns are available for the fact ID, returned as a boolean value.
FACTSHOWCHARACTER: Whether Character columns are available for the fact ID, returned as a boolean value.
FACTSHOWDATE: Whether Date columns are available for the fact ID, returned as a boolean value.
FACTSHOWNUMERIC: Whether Numeric columns are available for the fact ID, returned as a boolean value.
VERIFYCUSTOMCOLUMNNAME: Whether Intelligence Server should check for invalid custom column names, returned as a boolean value.
RIGHT_TO_LEFT: This functionality is for internal MicroStrategy use only. It is returned as a boolean value.
SECURITY_FILTER_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing security filter-related project configuration properties.
SECURITYFILTERMERGER: How security filters are merged, returned as an integer:
0: Union
3: Intersect
SCHEDULES_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing schedule-related project configuration properties.
SCHEDULE: A schedule that is enabled for the project, returned as a string.
SECURITY_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing security-related project configuration properties.
FREEFORM_SQL_MDX_SECURITY: A ResultSet containing security-related information about Freeform SQL and MDX.
ACCESS_RIGHTS: The access rights assigned to the trustee, returned as a string.
CHILDREN_ACCESS_RIGHTS: The access rights assigned to children of the trustee, returned as a string.
TRUSTEE_NAME: The name of the trustee, such as "Administrator". Returned as a string.
TRUSTEE_TYPE: The type of the trustee, such as "User". Returned as a string.
PROJECT_DEFINITION_SECURITY_RESULT_SET: A ResultSet containing a list of trustees and related security details.
ACCESS_RIGHTS: The access rights assigned to a trustee associated with the project definition, returned as a string.
TRUSTEE_NAME: The name of the trustee, such as "Everyone". Returned as a string.
TRUSTEE_TYPE: The type of the trustee, such as "User Group". Returned as a string.