MicroStrategy ONE


Transformations apply offset values, such as "one month ago" or "last year", to the selected metric. This allows you to perform time-series analysis, such as a comparison of revenue between this year and last year. For more information on transformations, see the transformations section of the MicroStrategy Developer Help (formerly the MicroStrategy Desktop Help). For more information on transformational metrics, see the Metrics section of the MicroStrategy Developer Help (formerly the MicroStrategy Desktop Help).

The transformation statement in a metric expression consists of the name of the transformation to be applied to the metric, enclosed in pipes | |. You can specify a given transformation with just its name if it is the only item in the project by that name. If there are two items in the project with the same name, but in different locations, Command Manager will return an ambiguity error message. To correct this error, specify the full path to the transformation and enclose it in brackets [ ] within the pipes, such as |[Schema Objects\Transformations\Previous]|.