MicroStrategy ONE

Alter DBConnection statement

Modifies the properties of a DBConnection.

 [NAME "new_dbconnection_name"] 
 [ODBCDSN "new_odbc_data_source_name"] 
 [USEPARAMQUERIES (TRUE | FALSE)] | [URL "dbconnection_url"] [DSI "dbconnection_dsi"] [CATALOG "dbconnection_catalog"] [AUTHENTICATIONPARAMS "<query_authentication_parameters>"]) [TABLEPREFIX "new_table_prefix"] 
 [DEFAULTLOGIN "new_default_login_name"] 
 [MAXCANCELATTEMPTnew_cancel_seconds] [MAXQUERYEXECnew_query_seconds] [MAXCONNATTEMPT 
 (NONUTF8 | UTF8)][TIMEOUTnew_timeout_seconds] [IDLETIMEOUTnew_idle_seconds] [ADDITIONALCONNSTRING "<additional_conn_string>"];


  • "dbconnection_name" is the name of the database connection to be modified, of type string.

  • NAME "new_dbconnection_name" is the new name of the database connection, of type string.

  • ODBCDSN "new_odbc_data_source_name" is the new ODBC data source name, of type string.

    Command Manager does not verify whether this DSN exists on the Intelligence Server machine.

  • DRIVERMODE indicates the new database driver mode:

    • MULTIPROCESS indicates that the database uses multi-process mode.

    • MULTITHREADED indicates that the database uses multi-threaded mode.

  • EXECMODE indicates the new execution mode for the database connection:

    • SYNCHRONOUS indicates that one statement exexutes at a time.

    • ASYNCHRONOUS CONNECTION indicates that all statements allocated within the connection should be able to run SQL asynchronously.

    • ASYNCHRONOUS STATEMENT indicates that for each statement, the asynchronous mode is explicitly set.

  • USEEXTENDEDFETCH indicates whether the database connection enables Intelligence Server to fetch block  of data from the database into memory (TRUE), instead of row by row (FALSE).

  • USEPARAMQUERIES indicates whether the database connection enables Intelligence Server to pass data to the database in blocks of data (TRUE), instead of row by row (FALSE).

  • URL "new_dbconnection_url" is the new URL of the database connection, of type string.

  • DSI "new_dbconnection_dsi" is the new DSI of the database connection, of type string.

  • CATALOG "new_dbconnection_catalog" is the new MDX catalog to be used with the database connection, of type string.

  • TABLEPREFIX "new_table_prefix" is the new table prefix used with the database connection, of type string.

  • DEFAULTLOGIN "new_default_login_name" is the new name of the default database login to be used with the connection, of type string.

  • MAXCANCELATTEMPT new_cancel_seconds is the new maximum amount of time the query engine waits for a successful attempt to cancel a query, of type integer, where 0 and -1 indicate no limit.

  • MAXQUERYEXEC new_query_seconds is the new maximum amount of time a single pass of SQL can execute on the database, of type integer, where 0 and -1 indicate no limit.

  • MAXCONNATTEMPT new_conn_seconds is the new maximum amount of time Intelligence Server waits to connect to the database, of type integer, where 0 and -1 indicate no limit.

  • CHARSETENCODING indicates whether to use UTF-8 or non-UTF8 encoding.

  • UNIXCHARSETENCODING indicates whether to use UTF-8 or non-UTF8 encoding on UNIX.

  • TIMEOUT new_timeout_seconds is the new amount of time an active database connection can remain open and cached on Intelligence Server to be re-used for additional jobs, of type integer, where -1 indicates no limit.

  • IDLETIMEOUT new_idle_seconds is the new amount of time an inactive connection to the database remains cached until it is terminated, of type integer, where -1 indicates no limit.

  • ADDITIONALCONNSTRING "<additional_conn_string>" contains additional connection information other than those of connection string, this parameter can be applied for all kinds of standalone DBConnection.
  • AUTHENTICATIONPARAMS "<query_authentication_parameters>" is the authentication parameters used by XQUERY DBConnection.

