MicroStrategy ONE

Joint element list

A joint element list consists of two or more attributes and their forms, the qualification operator IN, and a list of values on which the attributes are to be qualified. For more information on using joint element lists in custom groups, see the Custom Groups section of the MicroStrategy Developer Help (formerly the MicroStrategy Desktop Help).

To specify an attribute and attribute form, use the syntax AttributeName@FormName. If there are two items in the project with the same name, but in different locations, Command Manager will return an ambiguity error message. To correct this error, specify the full path to the attribute and enclose it in brackets [ ], such as [\Schema Objects\Attributes\Time\Year].

The list of values consists of one or more sets of values, separated by commas. The entire list is enclosed in parentheses ( ). A single set of values is enclosed in braces { }. A set consists of one value from each attribute, in the order in which the elements are specified in the attribute list, separated by commas.

Values can be one of these options:

  • Numbers can be either integers or real numbers. If you are using real numbers, you must use the decimal separator specified in your Regional Settings.
  • Strings must be enclosed in double quotes (" "). Strings may contain single quotes (apostrophes) but not double quotes.
  • Dates must be formatted according to your regional settings, and enclosed in single quotes (' ').


{Year@ID, Category@DESC} 
 IN ({2004, Books}, {2005, Movies}, {2005, Music})
{Region@DESC, Quarter@DESC, 
 [\Schema Objects\Attributes\Customer\Customer Region]@DESC} IN ({Southeast, 
 Q1 2005, Southeast})