MicroStrategy ONE
Business attributes
An attribute is a business concept, such as Store, Employee, Geographical Region, or Year. These concepts help you understand the business data (usually numbers) stored in your data source. While knowing your company's total sales is useful, knowing where and when the sales took place provides the kind of analytical depth you require on a regular basis. Attributes provide the answers to the questions "where" and "when".
Attributes appear on reports as row headings or column headings, to tell you what the data in that row or column is for.
Behind the scenes, attributes are MicroStrategy objects associated with one or more columns in a lookup table within your data source. In a reporting environment, attributes provide a context for calculating data and filtering data. Attributes help you make sense of the business facts stored in the data source.
For example, you have a report with the Month, Year, and Region attributes on it, as well as a Revenue metric based on the Revenue fact. When executed, the report displays your company's revenue by region, and for a given month and year. It might tell you that the northeast region brought in a million dollars in revenue in the first three months of last year. Because of the attributes on the report (Region, Month, and Year), a substantial amount of information is available, such as which regions produced the least revenue and which years saw the highest growth in revenue. If you remove the attributes from the report, you can only see how much revenue the entire company grew in total, over all time.
The attributes your organization's project designer creates are based on whatever business concepts are important to your organization. By converting each of these important business concepts into an individual object that can be placed on a report, concepts like Day, Month, Quarter, and Year, or Region, City, and Customer, can appear on a report that displays data within the context of those attributes.