Strategy ONE

Manage Access to Dashboard Chapters

Starting in Strategy One (March 2025), you can select which users can view which chapter of a dashboard. This allows multiple users with different access levels to use the same dashboard but only view the information that they are authorized to. This improves the reusability of dashboards, shortens dashboard development time, and simplifies long-term maintenance by centralizing management within the dashboard.

For example, a large team accesses the same dashboard for various analyses. You need to create a new set of analyses based on the datasets in that dashboard. Add a new chapter and hide it from all the team members while you build the new analysis. Once the content is complete, expand the access to specific users for testing. When all edits have been made, allow everyone to access the chapter.

Limiting access based on security privileges also boosts performance and ensures sensitive data is protected. This feature uses Access Control Lists (ACLs) on the dashboard chapters.

  • If a user has been restricted from accessing chapters, those chapters do not display in the Table of Contents when the user views the dashboard.

  • A user closes a dashboard on a page in a chapter that they later are restricted from accessing. When they open the dashboard again, they see the first page that they can access.

  • If a user clicks a link to a page in a chapter that they do not have access to, a message indicating they do not have permission to view the target page displays. The user can Cancel the link or click OK to open the first page that they can access.

  • If a dashboard has a link from a visualization to a page in the same dashboard that a user does not have access to, the link does not display for that user.

  • Collaboration:

    • If a user tags another user in a comment, the second user receives a notification of the mention. If the second user does not have access to the chapter, when they click the link, a message indicating that they do not have permission displays. The user can Cancel the link or click OK to open the first page that they can access.

    • If a user shares a bookmark with another user, the bookmark is applied only to the chapters that the second user can access.

    • If a user shares a dashboard with another user, the second user can open only the chapters that they have access to.

  • When a user searches in Library, matches in a restricted chapter do not display.


You must have modify access to the dashboard.

To Restrict Access to Individual Chapters

  1. Open the Workstation window in smart mode.
  2. In the Navigation pane, click Dashboards.

  3. Double-click the dashboard to edit.
  4. In the Contents panel, right-click any chapter and select Manage Access. The Manage Access window opens, with a list of all the dashboard's chapters. By default, everyone who can view the dashboard can view all the chapters in the dashboard.

    If the Contents panel is not displayed, from the View menu, select Contents Panel.

  5. Select the chapter to manage access for.

  6. From the People Who Can View This Chapter drop-down list, choose Only Users Selected.

  7. The users and user groups who inherited access to the dashboard display. Select and clear the check boxes to allow and restrict access to the selected chapter. You cannot restrict access for users with write and view access to the dashboard; chapter access applies to consumption, not editing.

    For example, in the image below, Developers, Everyone, Public / Guest, Administrator, and MSTR User have inherited access to the dashboard. You can restrict access to the Sales Rep Performance chapter for Everyone and Public / Guest. Because Developers, Administrator, and MSTR User have write and view access, you cannot restrict access to the chapter.

  8. If a user or user group that you want to allow access is not displayed, begin typing the name in the Add Users and User Groups box, selecting the name from the list of suggestions. You can find and select multiple users, then click Add.

  9. Once you have restricted access, the Lock icon displays next to the chapter name, as shown in the image above for the Sales Rep Performance chapter.

  10. Continue managing access for each chapter, as needed.
  11. Click Apply to return to the dashboard.
  12. Save the dashboard.