MicroStrategy ONE

Privileges for Predefined Security Roles

The MicroStrategy product suite contains a number of predefined security roles for administrators. These roles makes it easy to delegate administrative tasks.

The predefined project administration roles apply project-level administrative privileges. The default privileges that are automatically granted for these out-of-the-box security roles are listed below.

Privileges vary between releases. For the most up to date privileges, see the dashboard in Privileges by License Type.

For a list of additional out-of-the-box security roles, see Assign Security Roles.

Platform Administrators and System Administrators have the following privileges:

Power Users have the following privileges:

Project Bulk Administrators have the following Object Manager privileges:

  • Use Object Manager

  • Use Repository Translation Wizard

Project Operations Administrators have the following privileges:

  • Schedule Request (in Common Privileges)

  • Administer Caches

  • Administer Cubes

  • Administer Jobs

  • Administer Subscriptions

  • Administer User Connections

  • Idle and Resume Project

  • Load and Unload Project

Project Operations Monitors have the following privileges:

  • Administer Caches

  • Administer Jobs

  • Administer User Connections

  • Audit Change Journal

  • Idle and Resume Project

  • Load and Unload Project

  • Monitor Caches

  • Monitor Cubes

  • Monitor History Lists

  • Monitor Jobs

  • Monitor Project

  • Monitor Subscriptions

  • Monitor User Connections

  • Administer Quick Search Indices

Project Resource Settings Administrators have the following privileges:

  • Configure Caches

  • Configure Governing

  • Configure Language Settings

  • Configure Project Basic

  • Configure Project Data Source

  • Configure Statistics

  • Configure Subscription Settings

  • Edit Project Status

  • Web Administration

Project Security Administrators have the following privileges:

  • Create Application Objects (Server - Intelligence)

  • Assign Security Filters

  • Assign Security Roles

  • Configure Change Journaling

  • Configure Connection Map

  • Configure Security Settings

  • Create And Edit Security Filters