MicroStrategy ONE

Deploy Multiple MicroStrategy Mobile Projects in Android

It is possible to deploy multiple mobile applications using the MicroStrategy Mobile project so that each application is treated independently. This is accomplished by specifying a unique package for the MicroStrategy Mobile project (for each mobile application) and making a change to the manifest file. To change the name of the mobile application, see Rebranding MicroStrategy Mobile.

The term "deploying" in this topic relates to compiling the MicroStrategy project during development. See Distributing Applications for instructions on making the mobile application available for users.

To deploy multiple mobile applications using the MicroStrategy Mobile project, perform the following steps for each application.

  1. Set up the environment to use the MicroStrategy Mobile project 

  2. Change the Application ID 

  3. Build the project to confirm that the application compiles successfully

A detailed explanation of each of these steps is provided below.

  1. Set up the environment to use the MicroStrategy Mobile project

    Set up the environment so that you can use the MicroStrategy Mobile project as the base for your customizations. 

  2. Change the Application ID

    By default, the Application ID is com.microstrategy.android.samples.app. If you want to change it, do the following:

    1. Open Build.gradle under MicroStrategyMobile -> app

    2. Change the ApplicationID in defaultConfig. For example:
    3. Copy
         applicationID 'com.microstrategy.android.mstr10U3.app'
         versionCode 1
         <versionName "1.0"
  3. Build the project to confirm that the application compiles and deploys successfully 

    1. Build the project.  

    2. Run the compiled application on a device or simulator to confirm that the apk you built can run successfully.

      To distribute mobile applications to your users, refer to the Distributing Applications topic.

Repeat the above steps for every MicroStrategy Mobile project you wish to deploy by creating a new package for each project or application.