MicroStrategy ONE

Configure What is Logged

The MicroStrategy Diagnostics and Performance Logging tool configures which diagnostic messages are recorded to MicroStrategy log files. You can customize the logging options to gather information from more or fewer system components and performance counters, and to save log messages to different log files.

Configure Logging with the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool

If you save any changes to settings in the Diagnostics and Performance Logging tool, you cannot automatically return to the out-of-the-box settings. If you might want to return to the original default settings at any time, record the default setup for your records.

  1. Open the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool.
    • From Developer: go to Tools > Diagnostics.
    • If the Diagnostics option does not appear on the Tools menu, it has not been enabled. To enable this option, go to Tools > Preferences > Developer > General > Advanced > Show Diagnostics Menu Option check box and click OK.

    • In Windows: go to Start > All Programs > MicroStrategy Tools > Diagnostics Configuration.
    • In Linux: Navigate to the directory ~/MicroStrategy/bin and enter mstrdiag.

  1. From the Select Configuration drop-down list, select whether to configure logging for this machine only or for the entire server instance:
    • To configure logging for this machine only, select Machine Default.
    • To configure logging for the server instance, select CastorServer Instance.

To configure the server instance with the logging settings that are used by this machine, select CastorServer Instance and then select the Use Machine Default Diagnostics Configuration check box.

Configure Diagnostics Logging

  1. Select the Diagnostics Configuration tab. For more information about diagnostics logging, see Diagnostics Configuration.
  2. To log information about a component to the operating system log file, select the System Log check box for that component.
  3. To log information about a component to the MicroStrategy Monitor console, select the Console Log check box for that component.
  4. This log destination is intended for use for interactive testing and troubleshooting purposes, and should not be used in production deployments.

  5. To log information about a component to a MicroStrategy log file, in the File Log drop-down list for that component, select the log file.

Logging the Kernel XML API component can cause the log file to grow very large. If you enable this diagnostic, make sure the log file you select in the File Log column has a Max File Size (KB) of at least 2000. For instructions on how to set the maximum size of a log file, see Creating and Managing Log Files

Configure Performance Logging

  1. Select the Performance Configuration tab. For more information about performance logging, see Configure Performance Logging Settings.
  2. Configure the performance log file and statistics logging properties using the options on the right side of the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool.
  3. To log information from a performance counter to the performance log file, select the File Log check box for that counter.
  4. To log information from a performance counter to the statistics tables, select the Statistics check box for that counter.
  5. Click Save.

    You may need to restart Intelligence Server for the new logging settings to take effect.

Once the system begins logging information, you can analyze it by viewing the appropriate log file. For instructions on how to read a MicroStrategy log file, see Creating and Managing Log Files.

Diagnostics Configuration

Each component of the MicroStrategy system can produce log messages. These messages can help you track down the source of any errors that you encounter. For example, if your system seems to be running low on memory, you can view the log files to determine which components and processes are using more memory than anticipated.

These log messages can be recorded in a MicroStrategy log file. They can also be recorded in the operating system's log file, such as the Windows Event Monitor.

The component/dispatcher combinations that you choose to enable logging for depend on your environment, your system, and your users' activities. In general, the most useful dispatchers to select are the following:

  • Error: This dispatcher logs the final message before an error occurs, which can be important information to help detect the system component and action that caused or preceded the error.
  • Fatal: This dispatcher logs the final message before a fatal error occurs, which can be important information to help detect the system component and action that caused or preceded the server fatality.
  • Info: This dispatcher logs every operation and manipulation that occurs on the system.

Some of the most common customizations to the default diagnostics setup are shown in the following table. Each component/dispatcher combination in the table is commonly added to provide diagnostic information about that component and its related trace (dispatcher). To add a combination, select its check box.



Authentication Server


Database Classes


Metadata Server

Content Source Trace

Transaction Trace


DFC Engine

Element Server

Element Source Trace

Object Source Trace

Object Server

Content Source Trace

Object Source Trace

Scope Trace

Report Net Server

Scope Trace

Report Server

Cache Trace

Object Source Trace

Report Source Trace


Scheduler Trace

User Trace

Kernel XML API


If you enable this diagnostic, make sure that the log file that you select in the File Log column has its Max File Size (KB) set to at least 2000.

Performance Configuration

MicroStrategy components can also record various performance measurements. You can use these measurements to help tune your system for better performance, or to identify areas where performance can be improved. For example, you may want to discover exactly how much the CPU is used to perform a given system function.

Some performance counters can be logged to the Intelligence Server statistics tables as well. For more information about Intelligence Server statistics, see Monitor System Usage: Intelligence Server Statistics.

Configure Performance Logging Settings

When you select the performance counters to be recorded, you can determine how often data is recorded, and whether to persist the counters.

You can enable or disable performance logging without having to clear all the logging settings. To enable logging to a file, make sure the Log Counters drop-down list is set to Yes. To enable logging to the statistics database, make sure the Persist Statistics drop-down list is set to Yes.

To Configure the Performance Logging Settings

  1. In the Diagnostics and Performance Logging tool, select the Performance Configuration tab.
  2. From the Log Destination drop-down box, select the file to log performance counter data to.

    To create a new performance log file, from the Log Destination drop-down box, select <New>. For instructions on using the Log Destination Editor to create a new log file see Creating and Managing Log Files.

  3. In the Logging Frequency (sec) field, type how often, in seconds, that you want the file log to be updated with the latest performance counter information.
  4. To log performance information to a log file, make sure the Log Counters drop-down list is set to Yes.
  5. In the Logging Frequency (min) field, type how often, in minutes, that you want the statistics database to be updated with the latest performance counter information.
  6. To log performance information to the statistics database, make sure the Persist Statistics drop-down list is set to Yes.
  7. When you are finished configuring the performance counter log file, click Save.

Performance Counters for Specific MicroStrategy Features

The table below lists the major MicroStrategy software features and the corresponding performance counters that you can use to monitor those features. For example, if the Attribute Creation Wizard seems to be running slowly, you can track its performance with the DSS AttributeCreationWizard, DSS ProgressIndicator, and DSS PropertySheetLib performance counters.

MicroStrategy Feature


Trace Level

Attribute Creation Wizard

DSS AttributeCreationWizard

DSS ProgressIndicator

DSS PropertySheetLib

Function Level Tracing

Attribute Editor

DSS AttributeEditor

DSS ColumnEditor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS FormCategoriesEditor

DSS PropertySheetLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Client Connection

DSS AuthServer

Authentication Tracing

DSS ClientConnection

Session Tracing

Data Source Tracing

Data Source Enumerator Tracing

Consolidation Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS ConsolidationEditorLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS PromptsLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Custom Group Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS CommonEditorControlsLib

DSS Components

DSS DateLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS EditorSupportLib

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS FilterLib

DSS FTRContainerLib

DSS ObjectsSelectorLib

DSS PromptEditorsLib

DSS PromptsLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Data Transmitters and Transformers

DSS DataTransmitter

DSS MhtTransformer



DSS Network

Function Level Tracing

Element Browsing

DSS DBElementServer

DSS ElementNetClient

DSS ElementNetServer

DSS ElementServer

All components perform Element Source Tracing. DSS DBElementServer also performs Report Source Tracing.

Fact Creation Wizard

DSS FactCreationWizard

DSS ProgressIndicator

Function Level Tracing

Fact Editor

DSS ColumnEditor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS ExtensionEditor

DSS FactEditor

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Filter Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS CommonEditorControlsLib

DSS Components

DSS DateLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS EditorSupportLib

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS FilterLib

DSS FTRContainerLib

DSS ObjectsSelectorLib

DSS PromptEditorsLib

DSS PromptsLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Hierarchy Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS HierarchyEditor

Function Level Tracing

HTML Document Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS DocumentEditor

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Metadata SQL

DSS MD4Server

Object Tracing

Access Tracing

DSS MDServer

SQL Tracing

Content Source Tracing

Metric Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS DimtyEditorLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS MeasureEditorLib

DSS PromptsLib

DSS PropertiesControlsLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Object Browsing

DSS ObjectServer

DSS SourceNetClient

DSS SourceNetServer

All components perform Content Source Tracing. DSS ObjectServer also performs Object Source Tracing.

Partition Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS DataSliceEditor

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS FilterLib

DSS PartitionEditor

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Print Schema

DSS PrintCore

DSS PrintSchema

DSS ProgressIndicator

Function Level Tracing

Project Creation

DSS AttributeCreationWizard

DSS FactCreationWizard

DSS ProgressIndicator

DSS ProjectCreationLib

DSS WHCatalog

Function Level Tracing

Project Duplication

DSS AsynchLib

DSS ProgressIndicator

DSS ProjectUpgradeLib

DSS SchemaManipulation

Function Level Tracing

Project Upgrade

DSS AsynchLib

DSS ProgressIndicator

DSS ProjectUpgradeLib

DSS SchemaManipulation

Function Level Tracing

Prompt Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS CommonEditorControlsLib

DSS Components

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS EditorSupportLib

DSS PromptEditorsLib

DSS PromptStyles

DSS SearchEditorLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Report Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS CommonEditorControlsLib

DSS Components

DSS DateLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS EditorSupportLib

DSS ExportLib

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS FilterLib

DSS FTRContainerLib

DSS GraphLib

DSS GridLib

DSS ObjectsSelectorLib

DSS PageByLib

DSS PrintGraphInterface

DSS PrintGridInterface

DSS PromptEditorsLib

DSS PromptsLib

DSS PropertySheetLib

DSS RepDrillingLib

DSS RepFormatsLib

DSS RepFormsLib

DSS ReportControl

DSS ReportDataOptionsLib

DSS ReportSortsLib

DSS ReportSubtotalLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Report Execution

DSS ReportNetClient

Report Source Tracing

Process Tracing

DSS ReportNetServer

Process Tracing

DSS ReportServer

Report Source Tracing

Server Administration

DSS AdminEditorContainer

DSS DatabaseInstanceWizard

DSS DBConnectionConfiguration

DSS DBRoleConfiguration

DSS DiagnosticsConfiguration

DSS EVentsEditor

DSS PriorityMapEditor

DSS PrivilegesEditor

DSS ProjectConfiguration

DSS SecurityRoleEditor

DSS SecurityRoleViewer

DSS ServerConfiguration

DSS UserEditor


Function Level Tracing

Table Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS TableEditor

Function Level Tracing

Template Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS ExportLib

DSS FTRContainerLib

DSS GraphLib

DSS GridLib

DSS PageByLib

DSS PrintGraphInterface

DSS PrintGridInterface

DSS PromptsLib

DSS PropertySheetLib

DSS RepDrillingLib

DSS RepFormatsLib

DSS RepFormsLib

DSS ReportControl

DSS ReportDataOptionsLib

DSS ReportSortsLib

DSS ReportSubtotalLib

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Transformation Editor

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS Components

DSS EditorContainer

DSS EditorManager

DSS ExpressionboxLib

DSS TransformationEditor

All components perform Function Level Tracing. DSS Components also performs Explorer and Component Tracing.

Warehouse Catalog Browser

DSS CommonDialogsLib

DSS DatabaseInstanceWizard

DSS DBRoleConfiguration

DSS SchemaManipulation

DSS WHCatalog

Function Level Tracing

Creating and Managing Log Files

Diagnostics information can be logged to multiple log files. For example, in the default configuration, all error messages are logged to DSSErrors.log, license information is logged to License.log, and messages from the Java Virtual Machine in MicroStrategy Web are logged to JVMMessages.log.

Performance information must all be logged to the same log file.

Each log file has a specified maximum size. When a MicroStrategy log file reaches its maximum size, the file is renamed with a .bak extension, and a new log file is created using the same file name. For example, if the DSSErrors.log file reaches its maximum size, it is renamed DSSErrors.bak, and a new DSSErrors.log file is created.

You can create new log files and change the maximum size of log files in the Log Destination Editor.

To Change the Maximum Size of a Log File

  1. In the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool, go to Tools > Log Destinations.
  2. From the Select Log Destination drop-down list, select the log file.
  3. In the Max File Size (KB) field, type the new maximum size of the log file, in kilobytes.

    If the Kernel XML API component is selected in the Diagnostics tab, the Max File Size for that file should be set to no lower than 2000 KB.

  4. Click Save and Close.

To Create a New Log File

  1. In the Diagnostics and Performance Logging Tool, from the Tools menu, select Log Destinations.
  2. From the Select Log Destination drop-down list, select <New>.
  3. In the File Name field, type the name of the file. The .log extension is automatically appended to this file name.
  4. In the Max File Size (KB) field, type the maximum size of the new log file, in kilobytes.
  5. Click Save and Close.