MicroStrategy ONE

Set User-Defined Calculation Order and Formatting for a Calculated Member

To change calculation order and formatting settings for a calculated member in a hierarchy report:

  1. Right-click an element in the grid and select Calculated Member.
  2. Click Pass-through Options.
  3. Depending upon your MDX source, set the following options:

    For Microsoft Analysis Services:

    • Solve Order: The order in which the calculated member will be solved in cases where a calculated member references another calculated member.

      • Default Value: 0
      • Possible Values: Any integer between -8181 to 65535.

        It is recommended that only values 0 or greater be used, since some negative values are reserved by the system.

    • Scope Isolation: Used to execute session or query-scoped calculated members before certain calculations in the cube. Neither the Aggregate function nor the VisualTotals function are applicable.

      • Default Value: NULL
      • Possible Values: CUBE
    • Format String: A Microsoft Office-style format string that the client application can use when displaying cell values. Click here for more on this setting.

    For Oracle Essbase:

    • Solve Order: You can specify the order in which the members are calculated.
      • Default Value: 0
      • Possible Values: Any integet between 0 and 127.